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Love Island fans convinced controversial Islander has signed for All Stars – and is ‘laying groundwork’ to get ex back

LOVE Island fans are convinced a controversial former contestant has his sights set on an All Stars stint.

It comes after he teased a reunion was on the cards in an exclusive chat with The Sun, gushing how rekindling his romance would start his 2025 with a “bang.”

Love Island fans reckon a 2024 show star is a shoo-in for All Stars[/caption]
They claim Ronnie Vint is ‘laying the groundwork’ to get his ex back[/caption]
The footballer, 28, saw sparks fly with Harriett Blackmore in the ITV2 villa this year[/caption]

Now ITV2 viewers reckon footballer Ronnie Vint, 28, in a shoo-in for the spin off, which begins next month.

He was partnered with Jess White, 25, in the 2024 series, yet saw sparks fly with Harriett Blackmore, 24 – with the pair ultimately leaving the show together.

In September, Harriet exclusively told The Sun in a candid interview: “I love him so much but it just didn’t work.”

Yet Ronnie’s comments have sent the rumour mill whirring, leading one fan to comment: “Ronnie laying the ground work for his Love Island All Stars reunion with Harriett.

“Who well and truly wants this?”

Another agreed: “It does sound like they’re both gonna be on All Stars.

“This makes me think he hasn’t been picked by producers. He’s trying to create something again with Harriett because she most likely will be on All Stars and he wants to be as well.”

Yet one didn’t seem as enthusiastic on the forum and said: “We already had weeks of the Harriett/Ronnie storyline in the summer.

“I don’t want the same storyline over again (that’s if they are actually on the show). I’d take one and have the other one sat at home.”

Another quipped: “I have never seen a man try to produce his redemption arc so much just for it to flop so bad. The way he was using Tiffany for his “changed man” arc (he was practically screaming it around the villa that he’s a new man) just for her to pie him off and he then had to go back to Harriett just for him to get dumped a couple days later.

“And this fake pr relationship they had outside the villa, I have zero interest of seeing it rekindled on screen they can both stay home thank you x”


The All Stars speculation was sparked by Ronnie’s chat last month.

He split with dancer Harriett just weeks after leaving the villa, yet said the pair still have unfinished business.

When quizzed over whether he’d like to rekindle his relationship with Harriett one day, Ronnie recently said: “Yeah, definitely. I would never close it off.”

Love Island All Stars 2025 rumours

Love Island All Stars will be back for its second series in 2025 - and rumours are already rife as to who will be making a comeback this time around.

After the second All Stars series was announced in May, show boss Mike Spender said: “Lots of people have been in contact about it, lots of fun people, from series one onwards.

“We cast it because we knew what was going on behind the scenes of who was getting with who and now even more stories have come out.

“I think we will now save ex-islanders for All Stars.”

One rumoured name for the next series is data engineer Harry Baker.

Harry, 25, arrived in the villa as a bombshell in Series 11. He soon ‘stole’ Grace Jackson after making his debut.

Arriving late in the run, he only lasted for a few days before being dumped alongside Lola Deloca.

Despite the hunk’s brief stint, viewers have called for Harry’s return.

One upset fan wrote: “Get you in All Stars next”, to which Harry cryptically replied by posting ‘shrugging’ emojis.

Despite their relationship being hit by ‘cheating’ rumours, Ronnie admitted they mutually decided to split as they adjusted to their newfound fame and life in the public eye.

He said: “I think coming out here, it’s such a different world that we live in, everything was so manic and it was hard to balance it out.

“As I said, I’m working on myself, herself and who knows…we could get back together.

“It was a mutual thing. She’s a lovely girl.”

The duo split shortly after leaving the reality series[/caption]
Ronnie previously told The Sun ‘we could get back together’[/caption]
Meanwhile Harriett told us ‘I love him so much but it just didn’t work’[/caption]

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