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What is the Unschooling trend on TikTok?

TIKTOKERS have jumped on the latest unschooling trend and it has gained traction quickly but now an education expert is warning parents of joining the trend.

On the social media platform, #unschooling has already garnered 30k posts with videos addressing the topic having been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

The TikTok trend has quickly gathered speed amongst hopeful parents wanting to know more[/caption]

The trend has caught the attention of parents but in turn, this has caused some concern amongst experts.

In particular, the worry is that families choose to follow what the algorithm picks for their feed rather than the best decision for them and their children.

What is the Unschooling trend on TikTok?

The trend promotes child-led learning and straying from the national curriculum[/caption]

Unschooling on social media refers to a similar teaching style to homeschooling.

Often parents suggest having a less rigorous structure and allow a child-led day-to-day.

Not only does this allow a child more free reign to focus on what they enjoy but it could offer benefits of deciding how and what to learn.

Unschooling original started in the US but has already gathered speed online in the UK too.

When did the trend start?

Kelsey Rhae’s TikTok video explaining her thoughts between the differences of unschooling and home schooling has been watched more than 1.8 million times[/caption]

One video posted by Kelsey Rhae on TikTok has been played 1.8 million times, as of October 15 2024.

In the clip, she speaks to the camera to explain the different between unschooling and public school.

The video has been liked nearly 200k times and saved by over 30k users, showing the sheer volume of parents hoping to grasp the latest trend.

Talking to others on social media, Kelsey Rhae said: “There’s public school, online public school, there’s home school and then there’s unschool.

“Homeschool you’re still using the school curriculum to teach your child and you still have to turn in paperwork to the government.”

She added that she does not want “to check boxes” about her “life” and her “child”.

That is the reason she has the “mindset” that they “have to do this”.

Google searches have also seen a spike with an increase in queries over the last three months.

What have experts said about the Unschooling trend on TikTok?

An education expert has recommended parents thoroughly research the trend before making a quick decision[/caption]

Director of Admissions for Leighton Park School has explained the concern of straying away from the national curriculum.

He told NetMums: “[Unschooling] emphasizes autonomy and natural curiosity over traditional schooling methods.”

John added that the trend could “lead to gaps in essential knowledge and skills”.

Despite some confusion amongst videos online, parents opting to unschool or homeschool do not have to legally stick to the national curriculum.

However, John advised that schools offer a structured integration between peers that allows for interactions that are important to take part in activities and soft life skills.

How do I know if the Unschooling trend is right for my child?

The term seems similar to home schooling but is not quite the same

John continued to suggest that those considering the trend should not make a haste decision.

Instead, they should thoroughly research the requirements and reasons for doing so.

Some parents may come to realize that the trend would not suit their child but others could find it helps them.

Other options could also be found outside of the social media offering, with a different school perhaps offering a better solution that rejecting the norm entirely.

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