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Jane’s Addiction CANCELS gig after frontman punched guitarist Dave Navarro on stage amid fears it was band’s last show

JANE’S Addiction has cancelled their next show after the on-stage brawl between lead singer Perry Farrell and guitarist Dave Navarro.

The rock legends were performing in Boston when Farrell began screaming at Navarro and attacked him as crew rushed on stage to break them up.

The moment Farrell punches Navarro’s arm – causing him to stumble backwards
The pair squared up to each other onstage
Navarro appears baffled as Farrell continues to rant and rave
Jane’s Addiction posted this statement to Instagram on Saturday

The show was abruptly axed and the lights on stage dimmed as Farrell was dragged out of sight.

“We want to extend a heartfelt apology to our fans for the events that unfolded last night,” Jane’s Addiction wrote on Instagram last night in a brief statement.

The band announced they would be cancelling the show scheduled for tonight in Bridgeport, Connecticut and promised a refund for those who bought tickets.

Fans shared fears it could be their last performance with one writing on social media “For sure that this was last day of J Addiction”.

“Well, looks like the band won’t be getting back together,” someone else said.

Farrell’s wife Etty came out in his defence on Saturday in a lengthy statement on Instagram where she blamed his band mates.

She said Farrell “lost it” because his fellow performers were drowning him out with their instruments as he struggled with his voice.

Etty described him as behaving like a “crazed animal” and claimed bassist Eric Avery “won the fight” after punching him in the stomach three times backstage.

Farrell’s wife of 22 years said: “Clearly there had been a lot of tension and animosity between the members.. the magic that made the band so dynamic.

“Perry’s frustration had been mounting, night after night, he felt that the stage volume had been extremely loud and his voice was being drowned out by the band.

“But when the audience in the first row, started complaining up to Perry cussing at him that the band was planning too loud and that they couldn’t hear him, Perry lost it.

“While Dave was keeping Perry at arm’s length to de-escalate the situation…Eric walked up to Perry, upstage, in the dark, behind Dan, put Perry in a headlock and punched him in the stomach three times.”

Lau said her husband was “a crazed beast for the next half an hour” and had a breakdown, crying backstage.

The footage shows Farrell shouting into his mic on stage before he screams at Navarro and appears to yell “F**k you!”, barging into him.

He then squares up to his band mate, as Navarro places a hand on his chest to try and hold him back.

As Farrell shouts in his face he lifts an arm and whacks Navarro’s hand away, causing him to stumble backwards.

Member of the backstage crew quickly rush towards the chaos and try to restrain Farrell.

The singer then doubles over and sinks to the floor, struggling against four men trying to hold him steady.

Navarro, still holding his guitar, calmly walks to the front of the stage – where the lights have now been dimmed – and places his instrument down.

He bends down to interact with fans as crew and bassist Eric Avery have to drag Farrell off stage.

Navarro looked baffled as Farrell squared up to him during the concert in Boston on Friday evening.

The band were playing hit song Ocean Days when Farrell attacked.

Fans said tensions were rising throughout the set list, with eyewitnesses recalling Farrell shouting at Navarro during Mountain Song.

The bust up caused the show to come to an abrupt end.

After Farrell was removed, Navarro, Avery, and drummer Stephen Perkins gathered onstage and hugged one another.

They made peace signs and waved to the cheering crowds.

Jane’s Addiction is currently on their first tour in 15 years, due to stretch through until the middle of October.

Some fans on social media expressed anger that they haven’t been refunded after going to the Boston show.

One woman wrote: “Why so quiet? No apologies??

“Was with friends and their 14 year old daughter at her 1st concert.

“Why should we have to explain the behavior last night.

“I love that venue usually a great night. Where are our refunds??”

Someone else said: “Perry’s voice has left the building. So upset I was waiting all summer for this show.”

And another chimed in: “I would like a refund for night 1. What in the hell was that?”

Perry Farrell with wife Etty Lau in January
Crew members retrain Farrell in the background (L) as Navarro (R) talks to fans
Farrell angrily screams into his mic

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