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I’m in the best shape of my life at 60 and I never joined a gym – I’d tried Weight Watchers but piled back on the pounds

WHAT if you could transform your health without ever stepping foot in a gym?

This is exactly what one super mum, only known as Bryony, managed to achieve, turning her life upside down after struggling with post-pregnancy weight that just wouldn’t seem to shed.

Tired of being restricted? One mum, who is in her 60’s, was too
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instagram/feed your health
One mum revealed how eating more protein – and still enjoying chocolate brownies – helped her shed pounds[/caption]

Bryony, who is in her 60’s, decided to avoid popular avenues such as Weight Watchers and transformed herself after being inspired by her parents’ declining health that was like a wake-up call.

Despite being ”physically busy” throughout the day, the Cumbria resident spent her evenings sitting and found the idea of gym was ”really very unappealing”.

”I spent a lot of time in the gym in my 30’s and they were never really attractive places – very intimidating and generally smelt pretty nasty, so that really wasn’t my cup of tea.”

Although Bryony did do ”a bit of swimming” and horse riding here and there, neither of the two made her ”feel much fitter”, as that was not her goal – at the time.

”In terms of diet, I had been on the Weight Watchers diet in my 40’s and lost quite a lot of weight.

”But the difficultly I had was after I had Rosalind [her daughter] I just piled on weight – up until then, I had never had to worry about weight at all, not one little bit.

”In fact, at one point I was struggling to keep my weight up.”

The motherhood came with ”rushing around like a fool”, with the parent ”oftentimes eating rubbish” and mealtimes being ”hit or miss”.

As the years went by, the mum found the scales going higher and higher – and realised she had been putting a whopping stone ”every decade”.

Although being of Weight Watchers did see the pounds getting shed, the diet made her ”very angry”.

”I don’t like being told what to do […] and it felt very regimented, and I complied with it.

”The minute I had hit my target weight, I went exactly back to what I did before and went back to exactly the same weight as before.”

Like for many, the arrival of each summer came with a sense of dread for Bryony, who wondered how and whether she would fit in any of the clothes.

But then came a tipping point in her 50’s, when Bryony noticed her parents‘ decline in health, with her mum struggling with arthritis and dad dealing with diabetes.

”I didn’t want to go down the same route, I thought ‘I need to do something about this now’. Otherwise, it will be too late.”

Going back and forth with yo-yo dieting, Bryony was desperate to find a lifestyle change she could manage; a way to live that wasn’t ”starving” her.

How to blast belly fat WITHOUT going to gym or dieting

Chew your food

This mindfulness trick is used to focus your brain on the food you are eating – how it tastes and feels – rather than scoffing it in a hurry. If the brain does not register that you have eaten, you’ll soon crave more food.

Avocado a day

Eating avocado every day can fight visceral fat in women, which collects around the organs in the stomach and can lead to diabetes, heart attack, and some cancers, according to a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign study of 105 people.

Avoid fizzy drinks

Losing belly “fat” may just be a case of preventing bloating, which can be onset by fizzy soft drinks. Instead, keep hydrated with water.

Reduce alcohol

Alcohol does no favours at all for our health or figures. It is ’empty calories’, meaning it contributes to your calorie intake without giving any nutritional benefit.

Hangovers can also lead you to eat more fatty foods, while putting you off exercising.

Sleep more

Various studies have shown that if you’re not sleeping well, it can cause weight gain.

People are more likely to crave junk food when they are sleep deprived because, not only are they in need of an energy boost, but their appetite hormones are all over the place.

Reduce stress

Stress causes an imbalance of hormones, particularly cortisol. This hormone has been linked with obesity and excess belly fat.

Find ways to reduce your stress to avoid the so-called ‘stress belly’.

And so, she joined the Feed My Health programme, an online physique coaching that helps ”women look and feel incredible naked”.

The bespoke coaching is run by Rosalind Tapper – Bryony’s daughter – who claims you can ”lose 2st in 14 weeks and keep it off forever”.

The results on the brand’s Instagram page speak for themselves, with numerous clients beaming with confidence – and Bryony is no exception.

One of the best aspects about the 1:1 plan, she said, is that you have ”the opportunity to choose”.

If you do fancy that scrumptious brownie, you’re more than welcome to have it.

”But then I will remember during the rest of the day that I ate the chocolate brownie and so, I need to be a bit more careful later on in the day,

”I can’t have the chocolate brownie at lunchtime and another chocolate brownie in the afternoon.

”I can go out for an Indian on the weekend – and know how to deal with that.”

As a vegetarian, she had also struggled with finding items in the shop that are packed with protein – essential for muscles and feeling fuller for longer.

Why you should do weight training when you get older?

As we age, maintaining physical fitness becomes increasingly crucial, and weight training plays a pivotal role in promoting overall health and well-being. One of the primary benefits of weight training for older adults is the preservation and enhancement of muscle mass. Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength, is a common issue that can lead to decreased mobility, increased risk of falls, and a general decline in physical function. Engaging in regular weight training helps to counteract these effects by stimulating muscle growth and improving muscular strength, thereby enhancing an individual’s ability to perform daily activities with greater ease and independence.

In addition to its impact on muscle mass, weight training also significantly contributes to bone health. Osteoporosis, characterized by weakened and brittle bones, is another prevalent concern among older adults. Weight-bearing exercises, such as lifting weights, promote bone density by applying stress to the bones, which in turn stimulates the production of new bone tissue. This can help reduce the risk of fractures and other bone-related injuries, fostering a more active and injury-free lifestyle.

Weight training also offers substantial metabolic benefits, which are especially important as metabolism tends to slow down with age. By increasing muscle mass, weight training boosts the resting metabolic rate, meaning the body burns more calories even at rest. This can aid in weight management and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, weight training has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, enhance lipid profiles, and reduce inflammation, all of which contribute to a healthier metabolic state.

Now, the former Weight Watchers veteran opts for protein-rich drinks ”that just taste like orange squash”.

Over time, the hard work paid off, as Rosalind noted her mum had a body she hadn’t even seen on 30-year-olds – all without working out at the gym.

”The fact that you can do small things – you know, the exercise band or on a treadmill.

”Something like that, that’s just gentle – but tones you up.

”It wasn’t as physically arduous as I had expected,” she revealed in a chat with Rosalind on her podcast feed My Health.

As time went by, even others began to notice the healthy change – with one pal even complimenting her ”trim” back.

Even her wardrobe now has numerous clothes that feel more loose than they used to – despite Bryony still enjoying the odd fish and chips when out for a family lunch.

”I just generally feel very good about myself,” the mum said, adding there’s been a huge positive change in her mental health too.

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