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I’m a post-partum nurse – a patient gave her son a unique name, she needs to ‘buy a vowel’

A NURSE working with women post-partum revealed the worst baby name she has ever heard.

She explained that the new mum had to spell out the moniker, and she was still left confused.

TikTok user Tina shared the most unusual baby name she has ever heard as a post-partum nurse

In her viral video, TikTok user Tina (@mama_nurse_tina) re-enacted the conversation she had with the patient shortly after she had given birth.

According to the nurse, she had asked for the baby boy’s name to fill out his birth certificate.

The new mum decided to spell out her son’s name to make the process easier.

She explained that she wanted to be creative when naming her child.

The parent began with the letter S, followed by another S.

At this point, Tina worried she had misheard and clarified that the name began with two Ss.

The mum confirmed this and explained that these were followed by two more.

“Should I buy a vowel?” the nurse joked as she spelled out the unusual name.

She shared her surprise when the name was finished with one final letter, a T.

Tina struggled to pronounce the name until the parents advised her to count he Ss.

When she said out loud that there were “four Ss” the mum told her to sound it out with the T afterwards.

Tina eventually realised that the newborn’s name was pronounced Forest.

Still wrapping her head around the strange choice, she left to fill out the paper work.

“Now nothing wrong with a unique baby name but they sure do turn heads,” the nurse wrote in the clip’s caption.

TikTok users shared their thoughts on the unique name in the comments section.

Are Unique Baby Names Worth The Hassle?

YOU may think having a unique name helps you to stand out, but is it all it's cracked up to be?

Fabulous’ Deputy Editor Josie Griffiths reveals the turmoil she faced with her own name while growing up.

When I was a child, all I wanted was one of those personalised keyrings with my name on it.

But no joy, the closest I could find was Rosie, Joseph (not great for a little girl) and Joanne.

Josie is short for Josephine, which is a French name, and I managed to reach my 20s without ever meeting anyone who shared it.

When I try to introduce myself to people, I get all sorts of random things – like Tracey and Stacey – which can be pretty annoying.

Although I have come into contact with a couple of Josies over the last year – there seems to be a few of us around my age – it’s still a much rarer name than most of my friends have.

On the whole I don’t mind it, at least it’s not rude or crazily spelt.

And it means I can get away with ‘doing a Cheryl’ and just referring to myself as Josie.

I’m getting married this year and some friends are shocked that I’m changing my surname, as it’s not seen as very cool or feminist to do so these days, but I explain to them that I’m not that attached to Griffiths as I’d always just say ‘hi it’s Josie’ when ringing a mate up.

I think it’s nice to be unique and I’ll definitely try and replicate this when naming my own kids.

It’s the rude names you’ve got to watch out for, so after nine years as a lifestyle journalist I’ll definitely be avoiding those.

“I figured it out on the first try. What have I become?” joked one viewer.

“This is why we have a naming committee and list of approved names in Iceland,” said another follower.

“I got it before you said the answer I feel so proud LMAO,” commented a third person.

“The nurse was so happy when I said a normal name,” wrote another TikTok user.

“I just want to know what would happen if you just ‘Hahah, no. I’m not filing that. Try again,'” said one viewer.

The new mum named her baby Forest but with a unique spelling that confused the nurse[/caption]

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