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Многодетная семья Веселовых из Твери стала одним из победителей конкурса всероссийского «Фестиваля семейной истории Генэкспо»

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The three plants to add to your garden so pigeons never come back – and you can get one of them from B&Q for just £3

PIGEONS can cause havoc for homeowners, often lingering in and around gardens looking for scraps of food and leaving droppings.

But there’s a way to keep them at bay without a fuss, and your garden will look better for it too.

There are three plants you can buy to keep pigeons out[/caption]
Pigeons can make a mess of your garden if they decided to pay a visit[/caption]

According to pest control experts, there are three cheap and cheerful plants you can add to your garden to help deter the birds.

The pros from Hawkeye Bird Control  explained that peppermint, marigold, and lavender will not only add a dash of colour to your garden, but the scent will mean pigeons will steer clear for good.

Since pigeons have an extremely strong sense of smell, these plants will deter them from your garden.

The prods told the Express: “The strong scents these plants produce are generally disliked by birds, making them less likely to settle in the areas.”

Although the birds are sure to hate the scent of the blooms, they have a very relaxing aroma for humans and are often used in spas and aromatherapy.

The best part is you can buy marigolds right now from B&Q for just £3, meaning it won’t leave a big dent in your wallet either.

Marigolds can also keep insects from destroying your flowers, making it a great choice to add to any garden.

In fact, pigeons will avoid the plant even if there’s found nearby, the pros noted.

Of course, there are other rules you should stick to if you have a pigeon problem in your garden.

Other tricks to keep pigeons out of your garden

Gardening experts at 24/7 Pest Control have shared their top tips to deter pigeons from coming into your garden, once and for all.

The first way that experts recommend to deter pigeons from entering your garden is to use sound to “scare” them away.

The experts said: “Sounds can prove to be one of the most effective ways to keep birds away. 

“You will need to invest some money to do it the right way but it will be worth it. 

“There are a number of sounds that can do the trick – audible repellers produce frightening bird sounds that scare pigeons and other birds.”

Another way to banish pigeons is to remove any food and water sources from your garden. 

Keeping your garden clean from seeds, grains and other food remains is an easy way to encourage pigeons to skip your home and go to your neighbour’s garden instead. 

The experts advised: “This can be done by regularly sweeping floors, keeping your garbage in the garbage can with a closed lid on it.

“Make sure you don’t leave standing water anywhere around your home.”

Another way to avoid pigeons residing near your home is to clear out any disused, empty nests.

The experts continued: “Removing the nest is essential because you are putting your home at risk of getting infested with bird mites.”

Another tip to deter pigeons from your garden is to create a natural pigeon repellent. 

Pigeons despise spices, so the experts recommend that people create a spicy pigeon repellent to keep them at bay. 

The pest experts said: “Throw chilli solution in the birds’ roosting places and watch how they stop coming back. 

“The chilli is also unpleasant to the pigeons and will drive them away from your home.”

Tips for keeping pests from your garden

  • Plant companion plants such as peppermint to repel rats.
  • Place Garden Netting Pest Barrier, over your flowerbeds.
  • Fill open-top containers with beer and place in soil to repel slugs.
  • Spray plants with Neem Oil, to repel ants, flies, and spiders.
  • Dust your flowerbeds with Diatomaceous Earth.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon dish soap, 10 drops peppermint oil, and 4 cups water and spray on flowerbeds.
  • Place eggshells around your plants to protect from slugs and snails.

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