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Woman kept as ‘sex slave’ by ‘Poland’s Josef Fritzl’ had ‘all her teeth & lips removed’ by monster in cruel experiments

A WOMAN who was locked up in a barn and kept as a sex slave was horrifically mutilated by a man dubbed “Poland’s Josef Fritzl”.

Horrific new details have now emerged about the four years of hell the kidnapped woman went through.

Suspect Mateusz J is led away in handcuffs by police after his kidnapper escaped[/caption]
He allegedly kept his victim in an animal barn for four years and performed evil experiments on her[/caption]

Suspect Mateusz J allegedly mutilated the woman by removing her lips and teeth in an evil experiment during her terrifying ordeal.

He has been charged with mental, physical, and sexual abuse and now faces 25 years behind bars after the victim made a miraculous escape.

His accuser claimed the pair met on a dating app in 2019 when she was in her 20s.

She alleges she was lured to Western Poland by Mateusz J and was subjected to repeated beatings, rape and mental torment.

According to the Daily Mail, the woman told a fellow patient how she had been repeatedly raped and tortured while locked in the outbuilding in the village of Glogow, west Poland.

In turn, the patient alerted the doctor to the victim’s situation.

A source close to the investigation said: “From what we heard, the girl does not have lips now because of everything he had done to her.

“Her face is covered in bruises and she just has an open hole [where her mouth is] without the lips.

“The woman said he was doing some kind of trial on her. He was experimenting on her. He was trying out different things on her.”

During the four years in captivity, she also claimed she was made pregnant by Matuesz J.

He allegedly took the victim to a nearby hospital to give birth before forcing her to give up the child for adoption, Polish outlet myGlogow reports.

The woman had previously been admitted to the hospital on several occasions but was too afraid of her captor to tell anyone about her horrifying plight.

His alleged victim, now 30, told the Telegraph: “I couldn’t tell the doctors the truth.

“I was afraid and he threatened me that if I complained, it would get even worse.”

Prosecutors say she was forced to live in an old, unused animal barn.

She reportedly had no access to hygiene products, running water, a toilet, electricity or heating for the four years in captivity.

She was only allowed out of the dark, stone building on rare occasions, prosecutors allege.

They say the suspect would aim to humiliate and control the victim by only letting her out with a hood over her eyes or in a balaclava.  

The barn reportedly sat just 13ft away from Mateusz J’s unsuspecting neighbours. 

Locals described the suspect as a “loner” and a “freak”.

The alleged victim managed to alert hospital staff to her chilling situation on August 27 after she went to receive treatment for a dislocated shoulder.

The woman had been to the hospital in Glogow on several occasions over the past four years, prosecutors said.

They accused Mateusz J of breaking her arm and her leg. 

Last year, she also needed surgery for a separate injury.

She told myGlogow after escaping: “Sometimes he would just spray me with a hose, but if I was obedient, I would get warm water.

“I was beaten and not given food. He only fed me better when I had no strength left when my chest hurt.

“He was probably afraid that I would die.”

Mateusz J has denied any wrongdoing since being arrested and charged on August 30.

The horror case has drawn comparisons to the Josef Fritzl case, which shocked the world in 2009 when the disturbed father was jailed.

The suspect has been compared to convicted kidnapper and rapist Josef Fritzl[/caption]

Who is Josef Fritzl?

In 1984, Josef Fritzl lured his 18-year-old daughter Elisabeth into his cellar where he drugged and raped her repeatedly.

After telling his own wife, Rosemarie, that Elisabeth had run away and joined a cult, Fritzl managed to keep his daughter prisoner in the soundproof basement for 24 years.

Josef fathered seven children with his own child in the small cellar where he installed cramped living quarters including a kitchen and bathroom.

While one of the children died shortly after birth, and was incinerated by Fritzl, three were brought upstairs to live with him and his wife Rosemarie

Fritzl told his wife the children belonged to Elisabeth, and had been left on their doorstep as she was unable to care for them.

The three remaining children were kept in the windowless cellar –aged five to 19 when released – and would first see sunlight in 2008.

Fritzl’s crimes were uncovered when the oldest cellar child, a 19-year-old girl, became seriously ill.

In March 2009, Fritzl was jailed for life after pleading guilty to murder by negligence over the death of the baby he cremated.

The other charges included enslavement, incest, rape, coercion and false imprisonment.

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