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Parents mentally & physically exhausted by end of summer holidays, study finds

SEVEN in 10 parents feel mentally or physically exhausted by the end of the school summer holidays, according to research.

A study of 1,500 parents of under 16s showed only 13 per cent usually feel well rested by the time their youngsters head back to the classroom.

Nearly seven in 10 said they’d love a holiday of their own to recover by the time the summer break is over
IHG Hotels & Resorts/NOMO
Some parents just need a night on their own to help handle fatigue
IHG Hotels & Resorts/NOMO

Top fatigue inducers were the constant mental load of keeping kids entertained, a lack of alone time and regular planning and organising of activities.

As such, on the first child-free day since July, 87 per cent will celebrate – with a good book, a large glass of wine and simply appreciating the silence at home.

For the next month, IHG Hotels & Resorts is offering parents – and anyone else wanting a night on their own – a limited time NOMO (Night On My Own) offer.

Joanna Kurowska, managing director UK&I at IHG Hotels & Resorts, said: “We all value some well deserved ‘me’ time – whether it’s a break from the demands of childcare, a moment of self-reflection away from our partners or simply an opportunity to take a breath from the stress of our working life.

“The survey data backs up how much people would like to enjoy a night alone, especially after a busy and intense summer.

“This opportunity to switch off and be cared for, even just for a night, can be a powerful tool to finding our balance back.”

The study found, after the summer holidays, 26 per cent of parents polled will take the chance to finally catch up on movies or TV shows they’ve been saving – to watch uninterrupted.

And 46 per cent admit even though they’re tired out by the end of the break, they’re glad they were able to spend more time with the kids.

As seven in 10 (68 per cent) say by the end of the school break, they’d love to have a holiday of their own to recover.

But other contributors to holiday fatigue include handling sibling arguments (20 per cent), dealing with meal preparation (19 per cent) and ferrying kids around in the car (16 per cent).

Abbey Clancy, model, TV personality & mum, who has teamed up with IHG Hotels & Resorts to launch NOMO, said: “As a busy mum of four, I know how exhausting the summer holidays can be, and although I’m sad they’re over, it’ll also be really nice to have a bit of time on my own.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with my kids, but it’s just as important for parents to take a break too.

“I don’t want to feel guilty about needing a ‘NOMO’—a night on my own—because we all need time to recharge.”

“And it’s not just parents, the summer is a busy time for everyone – it’s usually filled with social engagements, weddings, or travelling.

“So, I’m all about encouraging people to treat themselves and book a well-deserved night off, we’ve definitely earned it!”

Just under a quarter (24 per cent) confess it takes them up to a fortnight to recover from being responsible for kids over the summer holidays.

More than one in 10 (12 per cent) of parents surveyed can’t even remember the last time they had a night to themselves without any other family members, according to the OnePoll.com figures.

They’d even be willing to give up chocolate (27 per cent), takeaways (26 per cent) and go a month without alcohol (20 per cent) for a night of peace and quiet alone.

And 28 per cent admit they’d be secretly excited if their partner had to go away for work for a night, leaving them the bed all to themselves.

Top 10 things that lead to school holiday fatigue

  • Constantly keeping the children entertained
  • Lack of alone time
  • Planning and organizing activities
  • Increased household chores
  • Handling sibling arguments
  • Managing meal preparation
  • Longer days out
  • Driving children to various locations
  • Looking after more children than usual (e.g. during sleepovers, watching over playdates etc.)
  • Handling mixed-up sleeping schedules

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Выставка «Я ты мы другое» в музее-квартире И.Д. Сытина