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‘Thankful I’m not this vain’ people troll self-proclaimed hot mum-of-three who says ‘being skinny will make you happy’

A MUM-OF-THREE has revealed how she has the “perfect body” and believes other mums shouldn’t let themselves go after having a baby. 

Minzalie believes that if other mums or women don’t like the way they look then they have to “put in some work.” 

Minzalie has had three children and gained weight with all of them
Believes that everyone would be “happier” if they were “skinny”

She took to TikTok to share a video of herself talking about her good looks and it has since gained over 269,300 views. 

Talking to the camera whilst she was sitting in the car, with what appears to be her children in the backseat, she says: “If you don’t like how you look. Girl, put in some work.

“Being skinny and losing some weight will make you happy.

“Now for me personally I am the leanest I have been pretty much, my whole adulthood life. 

“I’ve had three kids, three pregnancies, and weight gain. You know how it goes.”

Minzalie revealed that she has managed to get her current body from calorie counting and doing “hot girl walks.” 

She continues: “Nothing feels better than putting on an outfit, and the first outfit that I put on I love it. 

“Like, there is nothing better than walking by the mirror and truly being so happy with your body, especially after three kids. To me it’s the biggest confidence boost. 

“Being skinny has been my Roman Empire since I have been in middle school, high school – I felt like I was never skinny enough. 

“I feel like right now I am ‘healthy skinny,’ my BMI is perfect. I think right now I am perfect. 

“I don’t want to get any skinnier, I don’t want to gain any weight. I want to maintain it, and I’ve been maintaining this weight for over a year now.”

The mum urges other parents to “put in some work” and “don’t let yourself go.” 

She continues: “Listen, I get it. We are mums, we are all busy, but you need time for yourself too sis. No one is going to do it but you. 

“I’m all about women feeling their best, looking their best, doing their makeup every single day, touching up your hair, doing your nails, if there is some way to make you feel your best, girl do it. 

‘Loose skin and stretch marks’

“You’re going to be so happy.”

Minzalie doesn’t want to sound boastful but revealed that she is “obsessed with myself.” 

She adds: “I love how I look, I love my body. Yeah it’s not perfect, I have cellulite, I have stretch marks, I have loose skin,  I had three kids you know. 

“But I am so proud of my body. I am proud of what I’ve built, like I’ve made me, I did this and I’m proud to say that. 

Happy with my looks but there is so much more to life and so important to teach that to our kids too

TikTok commenter

“If you are unhappy with yourself, lose some weight and I don’t mean it in a mean way.”

The video had over 1,000 people rushing to the comments section to share their thoughts, with many having mixed feelings about her video. 

One wrote: “As someone who spent the first 11 years of my adult life overweight and now in my thirties finally lost the weight and I’m skinny.. I can 10000000% agree.”

Another added: “Facts. I’m the happiest when I’m slim and fit too!”

What is a healthy BMI?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a commonly used measure to assess whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height.
In the UK, as in many other countries, the BMI categories are generally defined as follows:

Underweight: BMI less than 18.5

Normal weight: BMI 18.5 to 24.9

Overweight: BMI 25 to 29.9

Obesity: BMI 30 or greater

To calculate your BMI, you can use the following formula:

According to the BMI categories, a BMI of 22.9 would be considered within the “Normal weight” range.

Tools and Considerations

Online Calculators: There are many online BMI calculators available, such as the NHS BMI calculator, which can quickly compute your BMI based on your weight and height.

Limitations: While BMI is a useful screening tool, it does have limitations. It does not distinguish between weight from fat and muscle, nor does it consider the distribution of fat in the body. Therefore, BMI might not be a perfect measure for everyone, particularly athletes or those with high muscle mass.

A third said: “It’s always been my Roman Empire too. You are so real for this.”

But others didn’t agree and thought there were more important things to focus on. 

One wrote: “I can’t imagine my best feeling ever being about my looks!! Thankfully I’m not that vain. 

“Happy with my looks but there is so much more to life and so important to teach that to our kids too.”

What is a hot girl walk?

The Hot Girl Walk is a social media trend and outdoor mindfulness walk where participants think about specific things while walking.
These include: What you’re grateful for, your goals, how you want to achieve your goals, and how hot you are.

The trend was started by college senior Mia Lind in November 2020 and popularised on TikTok in 2021. 
The name was inspired by Megan Thee Stallion’s 2019 rap song “Hot Girl Summer”. 

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