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I ditched my ‘depressing’ concrete council house to live on a permanent caravan pitch – now rent is just £90 a week

A MAN has revealed that he ditched his “depressing” concrete house to live in his “dream” caravan and spends just £90-a-week on rent.

Ben John, 38, had always dreamed of living in a caravan as a child after growing up on a council estate in Leeds.

Ben ditched his council house to live in a caravan[/caption]
He said it had always been his dream to live in a caravan[/caption]
The caravan has a large awning[/caption]

After moving down to Bournemouth, Dorset, aged 23 he spent his twenties socialising before realising six years ago that he wanted a quieter life.

He bought a touring caravan for just £1,000 and moved it onto a residential site – surrounded by nature.

Ben upgraded it a year ago to a newer £5,000 caravan and fitted it with an awning to create a separate living area.

He spends just £90-a-week on rent, council tax and water.

In the summer Ben spends £20-a-month on electric, and a £100 in winter and £60 on diesel for heating.

But Ben says he “chooses” caravan life because he loves it – not because it is significantly cheaper.

Ben, a content creator and mobile hairdresser, said: “It’s the freedom of it.

“I’ve got 360 degrees of nature around me.

“It’s my own space.

“You can live like this and be a normal person.”

Ben had always had a pull to live in a caravan.

He said: “It had always been a childhood dream.

“I wanted to go with the Gypsies in their caravan.”

How much does it cost to live in a caravan?

LIVING in a caravan can be an economical and flexible lifestyle choice in the UK. Here's a breakdown of potential costs:

Initial Costs

  • Caravan Purchase: £8,000 – £40,000 (depending on size, age, and condition)
  • Caravan Insurance: £200 – £800 per year

Ongoing Monthly Costs

  • Pitch Fees: £150 – £600 (varies by location and facilities)
  • Utilities (Electricity, Gas, Water): £40 – £120
  • Maintenance and Repairs: £20 – £80
  • Internet and TV: £20 – £50
  • Gas for Heating/Cooking: £15 – £40

Other Potential Costs

  • Waste Disposal Fees: £8 – £25
  • Transport Costs (if moving locations): Variable, depending on distance
  • Optional Add-ons (Awning, Solar Panels, etc.): £400 – £1,600 (one-time)

Sample Monthly Budget

  • Pitch Fees: £400
  • Utilities: £80
  • Maintenance and Repairs: £40
  • Internet and TV: £40
  • Gas for Heating/Cooking: £25
  • Total: £585

Annual Estimated Cost

  • Total Monthly Costs: £585 x 12 = £7,020
  • Insurance: £500
  • Maintenance and Repairs: £480
  • Total Annual Cost: £8,000

Tips to Save

  • Off-Peak Pitch Fees: Look for lower rates during off-peak seasons.
  • DIY Maintenance: Handle minor repairs yourself.
  • Energy Efficiency: Invest in solar panels to reduce utility costs.

While initial setup costs can be significant, ongoing expenses for living in a caravan can be relatively low, making it a viable option for those seeking an affordable and mobile lifestyle in the UK.

Ben found living in Leeds and Bournemouth “overwhelming” and decided to buy a caravan in September 2018 for just £1,000.

He has since upgraded to a £5,000 one with an attached awning costing £3,000 – to create a separate living space.

Under the awning he has a living and dining room but likes to spend most of his time in the “cosy” caravan.

Ben created a desk space in the kitchen but has left the rest of it reasonably untouched.

He said: “It’s my own space.

“It’s a way of life.

“It’s not for everybody. You have to empty your own toilet.”

Ben also doesn’t have a constant water supply and has to fill up his water tank – which lasts for one shower and to wash up.

He has permanent residency by renting his pitch out for £90-a-week – which includes a council tax contribution and water.

He spends £80-a-month in summer on his bills and £160 in winter.

Ben said: “I don’t do this because it’s a cheaper life.

“The thought of going back to concrete makes me feel depressed.”

Ben says since living on the caravan he’s been on a spiritual journey and now feels comfortable in his own skin.

He said: “I have ADHD and I’m not very good at conforming into normal life.

“It’s like a little escape from the real world.”

Ben shares his life on TikTok @bensadhdworld and says many people are intrigued to find out about his lifestyle and want to do it for themselves.

He said: “Everyone thinks you’re going to be cold on a caravan – that’s not true.

“My first caravan was so cheap is leaked.

“I was constantly chasing the leak.”

Ben now can’t see himself going back to living in a modern home and dreams of living in a lodge on a similar patch of land.

He said: “Everyone who comes here says it’s really peaceful and really calm.

“It gets you away from the rat race. You can sit with your thoughts.”

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Ben said that living in the caravan helps him to get away from the rat race[/caption]
He even has a small garden outside[/caption]

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