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X-Press 2 choose music in support of former bandmate Ashley Beedle


DANCE music legend Ashley Beedle is wheelchair bound after recently suffering a major stroke.

The 61-year-old house DJ and producer had already been battling prostate cancer for four years when he had his stroke last November.

But the diagnosis is that Ashley’s mobility won’t return to his right side and he will be confined to a wheelchair and will require full-time carers.

Ashley’s friends and family have set up a GoFundMe campaign page to help support him in his recovery which you can find and donate to HERE.

The press release announcing the news this week explains; ‘Ashley wants you to know that he is a survivor and not a victim and he says ‘thank you’ to all of you who contribute towards the fund.’

Ashley’s good friends and music industry peers are already rallying round to help Ashley, with fund raising events currently being organised by David Homes, Faith and X-Press 2.

Rocky, Diesel and Ashley Beedle… X-Press 2

We asked former bandmates from the iconic X-Press 2 – Rocky and Diesel – to pick and talk us through ten Ashley inspired tracks including music he made under his Black Science Orchestra alias and together as Ballistic Brothers as we wish him well in his recovery.

You can listen to the music Rocky and Diesel selected for Ashley below and read what they had to say about each track.


Four Tops – Love Makes You Human (ABC Records)

This is one of those records that Ashley played me a long time ago and completely sums up the humanity that he looks for in a song. Pure soul bliss and a heavy disco classic.

Ballistic Brothers – Blacker (On Delancey Street Records)

I always remember Ashley saying he wanted to do a project which was more hip hop/funk based and came up with the idea of the Ballistic Brothers which myself, Rocky, Dave Hill and Uschi were members. He wanted to fuse funk elements from The Headhunters with a hip hop sensibility and use the voice of Gil Scot Heron. We were so stoked when it became a Nottinghill Carnival favourite played by our very good friend Norman Jay at his Good Times Soundsystem back in the day.

Donald Byrd – Steppin In To Tomorrow (Blue Note Records)

Ashley’s enthusiasm for all things Mizell Brothers is beyond reproach. I remember so many times when myself, Rocky and Ashley were in the studio and he would say “we need some Mizell Pressure” whenever we were trying to find inspiration for a track or a remix. I could’ve chosen any one of the many Mizell Brothers productions but this one really hits the spot.

America – Tin Man (Warner Brothers Records)

Another one of those tunes-bands that we shared a deep love of and which we both had a strong affinity with. This is the ultimate in our love of West Coast pop songs and their arrangements and productions. 

Black Science Orchestra – New Jersey Deep (Junior Boys Own Records) 

I have strong memories of sitting in the studio @ State 51 when Ashley made this track along with Uschi Classen and for me is an out and out House classic. It’s timeless and something that stills blows me away to this day. This is without question one of Ashley’s masterpieces.  


Black Science Orchestra – Where Were You (Junior Boys Own)

Basically, the track that got us all to work together. Terry at JBO had asked Diesel and me to make a track and suggested working with Ashley as he had some studio experience already (2 whole days!) And X-Press 2 was born.

Cloud One – Happy Music (Queen Constance Records)

The tune that was the original inspiration for what turned into ‘Muzik Xpress’ (the first X-Press 2 record.) I heard Ashley playing it at a friend’s club and we had this enthusiastic conversation about basing a tune around it. 

Patti Jo – Make Me Believe In You (Wand)

I can remember Ash playing this to us way back in the day when we were working on Ballistic Brothers and X-Press 2 music. He went on to make a stunning edit of it. I still play it regularly. 

Voices of East Harlem – Cashing In (Just Sunshine)

Another tune that Ash introduced me to. I knew of Wanted Dead or Alive by the band, but Ash revealed this stunning tune featured on the same album. Now one of my all time top 10 records. All thanks to Daddy Ash. 

X-Press 2 feat. Kurt Wagner – Give It (Skint)

Everyone knows Lazy, it was the most successful tune that we ever worked on. Give It was up there for me too. Kurt’s band, Lambchop was something else that Ash introduced to me. Fond memories of an amazing night at the Albert Hall watching them together.

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