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You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the yummy cheese hiding among the healthy fruits in under 15 seconds

A SEEK-AND-FIND puzzle inspired by foodies who struggle to eat a balanced diet has left many people baffled.

So, can you spot the block of cheese among the healthy foods?

Puzzlers have been challenged to spot the yummy cheese among the fruit[/caption]

SunLife is a UK-based financial service company specializing in products such as over 50s life insurance

They created a tricky brainteaser following research that shows many people adopt a healthier diet as they get older.

Japan, Greece, and Sweden top the list of countries with the healthiest diets across the world.

Their artwork shows a variety of nutrient-rich fruits.

But, you’ll need 20/20 vision to find the yummy cheese hidden in plain sight.

How quickly can you solve the challenge?

Set a stopwatch to see if you can beat the 15-second record.

The bright color of the bananas, lemons, and melon makes it easy for the cheese to seamlessly blend in.

The order in which the fruit appears in the puzzle also seems to be in a pattern.

A kiwi is repeatedly shown next to a banana followed by a mango, passion fruit, and grapes.

Here’s a hint: The cheese is a triangular shape.

If you’re struggling to spot the food take a closer look at the items on the left of the image.

Have you found the cheese?

Once you think you’ve found the yummy cheese among the fruit, scroll down to the solution to check your answer.

A block of cheese can be spotted towards the left of the seek-and-find puzzle[/caption]

A large block of cheese stands out from the other food on the left side of the artwork.


FishInAquarium previously put eagle-eyed puzzlers to the test with an ocean-themed challenge.

Can you find the seashell lurking among the fish and corals?

Puzzlers have been challenged to spot the seashell hidden under the sea[/caption]

At first glance, it’s easy to spot the crab because of its spotted print and the group of bold orange fishes.

Only those with the ability to pay attention to the smallest details can find the seashell in under 20 seconds.

If you need a clue, focus your attention toward the bottom right of the image.

Once you’ve found the seashell scroll down to the solution below.

A small yellow seashell is hidden towards the bottom right of the seek-and-find puzzle[/caption]

A tiny yellow seashell can be spotted towards the bottom right corner of the brainteaser.

Online gambling platform Betway left puzzlers scratching their heads with a challenge that will make you think twice about having a picnic.

Would you be able to stop ants crawling over your food?

It takes hawk-eyes to spot the insects among the books, snacks, and bees in 20 seconds or less.

Puzzlers have been challenged to spot the ants hidden among the picnic items[/caption]

The small size of the ants makes them easy to overlook and they can be easily mistaken for watermelon seeds.

Here’s a hint: The critters are crawling from underneath a baguette.

If you need another clue, look towards the bottom of the artwork.

Have you found the ants?

When you’re ready to give up searching scroll down to the solution below to find out where the ants were hidden.

Benefits of brainteasers and optical illusions

Researchers have developed many tests to show how various brain regions react to brainteasers and optical illusions. There are many benefits.

  • They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.
  • By giving your brain a little workout regularly, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.
  • Studies have shown people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration, and attention.
  • Improved concentration and attention span can help prevent cognitive decline in old age.
  • Optical illusions can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.
Two small black ants can be spotted towards the bottom of the brainteaser[/caption]

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