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Man’s penis ‘disappeared’ after his scrotum ballooned to the size of a BEACH BALL – leaving him unable to walk or pee

A MAN’s scrotum ballooned to the size of a beach ball over the course of a decade.

The 60-year-old’s scrotum grew so large that it totally obscured his penis and “hung below his knees”, a paper published in Urology Case Reports detailed.

Scans revealed a significant build-up of fluid in the man’s scrotal sac[/caption]

His swollen scrotum made it difficult for him to pee or even walk.

The report penned by a team of urologists at the Mohammed V University in Morocco described the case of a 60-year-old man with “massive scrotal elephantiasis”.

The patient in question “suffered severe and persistent enlargement of his scrotum for multiple years”, report authors wrote.

His condition is also referred to as scrotal lymphedema and refers to a buildup of fluid that causes swelling in the soft tissues of the genital area.

It can be caused by a blockage or damage to the lymphatic system, the system that helps to remove waste and toxins from your body, according to Cleveland Clinic.

When the scrotum swells significantly, it’s called massive or giant scrotal lymphedema.

“Emotional distress and physical disability are two significant consequences of scrotal elephantiasis,” the authors of the new report said.

“The symptoms, such as hygiene difficulties, urinary incontinence, unpleasing appearance, loss of libido, and immobility can cause severe debilitation.”

Though the condition can be common in regions like Africa or Asia, it’s rate outside of these, the reports authors noted.

“The cause and origin of this affliction in the western world can vary greatly,” they said.

“This report documents one European patient afflicted with scrotal lymphedema due to chronic lower urinary tract infection.”

The 60-year-old patient at the heart of the report endured “a significant enlargement of his scrotum” over the course of a decade, urologists wrote.

It swelled to such a size that it essentially swallowed up the man’s genitals – making moving, peeing and other day-to-day activities very difficult.

“During the examination, his scrotum was found to have a diameter of 60cm and it hung below his knees,” the report authors went on

“The skin on the area appeared thickened and rough with signs of lichenification [when skin becomes thick and leathery].

“Additionally, both testicles were displaced while the penis remained hidden within this mass located in that region.”

The man told doctors he was regularly in pain and frequently fell victim to infections.

The urologists conducted an ultrasound – a scan using sound waves to create an image of a part inside the body – which showed that the patient’s lymphatic ducts had widened and there was a buildup of fluid in the scrotal sac.

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This is the pouch of skin that contains the testicles.

Doctors noted that blood flow in the area was “normal” despite the swelling.

After deliberating on what course of action to take to treat their patient, they deemed that surgery was necessary.

“Our patient underwent one of the most traditional and commonly used methods of treating scrotal elephantiasis,” the report authors said.

The procedure involved removing affected skin and tissue and reconstructing the scrotum, while preserving areas like the testicles.

“When faced with extensive disease, it is recommended to remove all affected elephantoid tissue while endeavouring to salvage the penis and reproductive organs,” they explained.

“Despite the severity of this case and after discussing options with our patient, we opted to spare both testes along with their respective spermatic cords.

“The patient experienced significant improvement in their quality of life post-surgery,” the team added.

The man reported “satisfactory cosmetic appearance” post-surgery, as well as “functional success”.

“To prevent and treat severe scrotal elephantiasis, early diagnosis along with comprehensive interdisciplinary management is crucial.”

The 60-year-old patient is not the first to experience this condition, which report authors referring to previous cases detailed in scientific reports.

In 2017, a man from Kenya underwent life-changing surgery after his testicles swelled to 20 times their normal size due to an infection.

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