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EastEnders’ Linda Carter confesses to killing Keanu Taylor after help from an unlikely source

LINDA Carter confessed to Keanu Taylor’s murder after she struggled to cope with Dean’s admission to rape in EastEnders.

Dean’s trial had huge repercussions for The Six when he admitted to rape after ten years of denying it.

Dean admitted to raping Linda after denying it for ten years[/caption]
Linda was emotional at Dean’s confession[/caption]
A guilt-ridden Linda confessed to killing Keanu[/caption]

The Six have been sticking to their story so Dean goes down for Keanu Taylor’s murder instead of them.

However, Dean’s confession rocked proceedings meaning the trail with be extended, and witness statements will need to be taken again.

Unable to cope with the pressure, Linda was tempted to drink while she was alone in the cellar.

But instead of drinking, she called an unlikely Walford resident – Phil Mitchell.

The former alcoholic found a struggling Linda sobbing on the floor of the cellar.

He comforted her as she broke down in his arms.

Linda told Phil that she is a “horrible person” and “hates herself” for murdering Keanu and framing Dean.

She added that she is battling her guilty conscience every minute and every second of every day.

Phil told her: “You ain’t never going to get your life back, not how it was. You’re addicted to alcohol. You killed a man. There ain’t any good options. It’s damage limitation that’s all there is.”

He added: “Your options are to either learn to live with yourself and stay alive for your kids, or drink yourself to death.”

Linda was next seen walking towards the lawyers where Dean was being held in custody.

She walked into the interview room where Dean’s lawyer representing him in the trail was sitting.

She walked him and asked him to hit record on the tape.

Linda then confessed: “I was me. I did it. I killed Keanu Taylor.”

Linda Carter's biggest EastEnders storylines

Linda arrived on the Square on Boxing Day in 2013, along with her husband Mick (Danny Dyer) and has been a hit with soap fans ever since.

Her first storylines revolved around the fact that she struggled to come to terms that her son Johnny is gay

In a storyline that had long-lasting repercussions, she was then raped by Mick’s brother Dean Wicks (Matt Di Angelo).

She fell pregnant shortly after and then was left devastated emotionally when she gave birth to a premature baby after falling down the stairs.

Things soon got worse for Linda after she discovered that her husband Mick kissed their daughter-in-law Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty), who was married to their veteran son Lee (Danny Hatchard).

One of her more memorable storylines was when she was accused of perverting the course of justice. This was after Stuart Highway (Ricky Champ) is shot and she was falsely accused of attempted murder.

Over the years she has suffered from a variety of illnesses and disorders which include bulimia, alcoholism, and a secret battle with cervical cancer. After she gave birth to her youngest son Ollie (Harry Farr), she also had to deal with his autism diagnosis.

Although she and Mick seemed to be the perfect couple, the pair split up for a short time after she had an affair with Max Branning (Jake Wood). This lead to another pregnancy.

However, the pair finally got divorced after Janine Butcher (Charlie Brooks) set her eyes on Mick. She wanted the landlord all to herself and she lured Linda rival back into alcoholism to drive a wedge between them.

After this led to Mick’s apparent death at sea, she struggled to adjust to life without her ex-husband and the true love of her life. This was just after the pair decided to have another go at their relationship.

Recently, Linda was the person who was at the very centre during ‘The Six’ storyline. She tried to save her best friend Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean) when she was being strangled by Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters). When she killed him with a meat thermometer, the group framed her rapist Dead Wicks after he returned to the square. Since then, she has struggled to cope.

How will The Six react to Linda’s confession?

What will happen next in Dean’s trail?

EastEnders airs Monday to Thursday at 7:30pm on BBC One and iPlayer.

Linda seeks support from Phil
Linda felt trapped[/caption]
Will she regret her decision?[/caption]

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