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My care home shut down but I REFUSED to move and now I live here on my own – it’s like being in a horror film

A DISABLED woman is living all by herself in a huge care home after it closed down and all the other residents were forced to move out.

Jackie Kennedy, 53, says her life has turned into a horror film since the Blue Ribbon assisted living complex shut – leaving her stranded with no where else to stay.

SWNS:South West News Service
Jackie Kennedy is the only remaining resident in a care home in Coventry after it closed down last year[/caption]
Jackie outside the Blue Ribbon assisted living complex
SWNS:South West News Service
Jackie and her dog Angel have been alone since March
SWNS:South West News Service

Jackie is now the only person living in the sprawling 50-room care home in Coventry but says she is terrified every day she wakes up.

She first moved in back in January 2023 after being diagnosed with a string of health issues.

A damaged spine caused by spondylitis and fibromyalgia has left her with restricted movement and needing daily care.

The owners of the care home decided it was time to lock the doors for the final time last year.

Most of the other residents packed up their things and moved into alternative accommodation that was provided to them by Coventry County Council.

Jackie, who was adamant about staying until she found a suitable new home, has refused to leave ever since.

It feels like doomsday and I’m trying survive on my own. All the corridors are empty, it’s like living in a horror film

Jackie Kennedy

All the residents were even handed an official section 21 eviction notice.

The 53-year-old claims Coventry City Council is yet to help her figure out a suitable alternative where all her needs will be met.

She says her complex health conditions mean she needs to stay somewhere where her needs will be taken as a priority.

Jackie has questioned the council over their efforts in finding her a new home saying: “I’m trying to gather why I’m still being left here.”

Since March, Jackie and her lovebale dog Angel have been the only ones inside the complex.

Being alone for so long has left her feeling terrified of the empty corridors and soulless rooms.

She said: “It feels like doomsday and I’m trying survive on my own. All the corridors are empty, it’s like living in a horror film.”

“I’m alone, isolated and I’m worried out of my mind with the way I’m being treated here.

“I’m just lost, I don’t know why I’m still living here alone.”

Problems have severely worsened in recent months after a number of incidents inside the care home have left Jackie terrified.

She says robbing thugs have raided the lounge leaving it smashed with cars parked outside also left in tatters.

Drug dealers and locals have also been said to gather outside the property at night.

Jackie continued: “The power is turned off to the lifts so I can’t get up and down in my buggy.

“It’s frightening at night time.

“The lounge has been broken into and the cars have been broken into.

“Thieves and drug dealers know the building’s empty and I’m the only tenant here. Any group of guys could come in here.”

I’m in the darkest place I’ve ever been

Jackie Kennedy

Jackie says she was assured the council will be on hand to help everyone move out but after a brief meeting last year she hasn’t heard from anyone for months.

Jackie is now due to go to court on September 27 when the council will apply to remove her from the building.

The distraught woman said: “I don’t know where to go. I went to Citizens Advice and they were helping until I got my solicitors advice.

“I’ve been in touch with a mental health team because of the stress.

“Other people were offered alternative housing but I haven’t had anything. I don’t get anything.

“I’m in the darkest place I’ve ever been.”

GreenSqaureAccord (GSA), which own the care home, are reportedly transforming the building into temporary housing.

Their spokesperson responded to Jackie’s claims saying: “A huge amount of support has been offered to the customer from support agencies which unfortunately the customer has chosen not to take up.

“Most recently, on June 26th the customer requested a meeting with GSA, a social worker, an advocate and their solicitor plus family members.

“Everyone involved waited for an hour but the customer did not attend and telephone calls to check on their arrival were rejected.”

A spokesperson for Coventry City Council added: “We know this is a difficult process, but the vast majority of tenants have moved to suitable alternative homes, where their social care and housing needs are being met.

“All tenants have been offered alternatives in line with the Council’s housing and social care legal duties.”

SWNS:South West News Service
She says living alone is like a horror film after hearing thugs breaking into the complex and trashing the grounds[/caption]
SWNS:South West News Service
Despite being the only person left trash continues to pile up outside the care home[/caption]
SWNS:South West News Service
Jackie is now embroiled in an argument with Coventry County Council over her getting help moving into a new home[/caption]

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