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Fury as travellers fill beachfront car park with motorhomes and caravans – but locals get revenge with £50 charge

DISGRUNTLED locals took matters into their own hands after travellers took over a beachfront with caravans and motorhomes.

Residents in Bembride Point, Isle of Wight, reached their limit and “trapped” the group in a car park with 3ft high concrete bollards six weeks ago.

The travellers were blocked in with concrete bollards by car park owner Malcolm Thorpe
The group had been told to stick to one side of the car park
A £50 fee has now been instated should they wish to leave

Owner Malcom Thorpe enacted his revenge after motorhome occupants refused to budge.

He has now singled out 10 of them for “mistreatment of the area” and they must pay a £50 charge to leave.

However, if around half of the travellers wish to leave at once, Mr Thorpe said he would waive the penalty.

The caravan dwellers slammed him for his bold move and claimed they had been coming to the area for years with nothing but respect.

They were first asked to limit their motorhomes to just one side of the car park, so there were spaces for those using the village green.

Controversial bollards were erected to distinguish the separate spaces.

But Bembridge Harbour Authority claimed the dividers were “unlawfully” moved by the travellers, so they could continue leaving their vans where they wished.

Yet traveller Pippa Amos, 24, alleged the group only moved back to their original spaces when members of the public started to as well.

Six weeks ago, a notice was issued which explained the entire car park would be blocked off.

Any caravans that remained would have to pay a “removal fee”, and the bollards went up two days later.

Outraged Pipa blasted the desperate measure to kick them out and claimed there wasn’t enough notice.

She ended up leaving at the end of last month because of work on the mainland.

“You can’t just entrap people. We can walk out but these vans are our homes, our lives,” Pipa previously told The Mail.

“I wish I didn’t have to leave. If I didn’t have that opportunity [on the mainland], I would stay.

“At the end of the day, it is their choice.”

Another traveller, who did not wish to be names, said he would not pay anything and that Mr Thorpe “created” the issue.

“If it was £5 I wouldn’t give it to him,” he said.

“This has always been a free car park and most of us feel the same.

“If he opened it up, we could go when we want. He has created a problem for himself.”

Meanwhile, Mr Thorpe argued: “The occupiers continued their previous habits to totally mistreat the parish council’s toilets and the adjoining private land, as well as continued to leave their refuse and waste in public places.

“It is our intention to return the site to be used as a general car park [obviously not including the village green area] – but only when the present position is resolved.”

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary said the issue is a civil matter.

An Isle of Wight Council spokesperson said: “The council provides advice and assistance to anyone who finds themselves homeless, or who are threatened with homelessness within 56 days.

“Advice and assistance can be requested by contacting the council on 01983 823040 or via the council’s website Housing advice and support (iow.gov.uk).”

The Isle of Wight Council also explained that because it is private land they have no jurisdiction.

Travellers in car parks

Encampments in car parks are ‘unauthorised’, and the legal process for eviction is entirely separate from the normal enforcement of car parking terms and conditions.

Enforcement of car parking terms and conditions is difficult to apply in the case of travellers. In such circumstances, chasing an unenforceable fine adds unnecessary costs. The most effective remedy is to seek possession through the courts.

Also, issuing and enforcing car parking charges could deem the encampment to be authorised. This could be counter productive to the process of managing and seeking a court order to evict an unauthorised encampment.

How quickly can the council remove an unauthorised encampment?

The law requires a council to:

  • show that the unauthorised encampment is on the land without consent
  • ensure that human rights, equalities and other related legislation has been complied with
  • make enquiries about the general health and welfare of the group and the children’s education
  • follow a set procedure in terms of proving ownership of land and details of the unauthorised encampment
  • gather sufficient evidence to demonstrate to a court of law that the unauthorised encampment is causing detriment or denial of open space usage to the local community
Traveller Pipa Amos slammed the controversial move and argued they should have been given more notice
An eviction notice was issue six weeks ago
If around half of the group decide to leave at once, they will not have to pay the penalty

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