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US Navy admits testing Elon Musk’s Starlink internet on ships for ‘tactical’ advantage before mysteriously deleting post

THE United States Navy clued the public in on the use of Starlink internet on warships before the press release mysteriously disappeared.

Starlink, a division of Elon Musk‘s SpaceX, provides broadband-level connectivity to users across the globe.

The U.S. Navy has installed Starlink terminals on an undisclosed number of ships including the USS Abraham Lincoln to connect to the satellite internet service[/caption]

The network boasts around 7,000 satellites in orbit – and the U.S. military is eager to seize upon them as it shifts away from archaic Department of Defense satellites.

In a now-deleted press release published on August 20, the department showcased a high-speed protocol known as Sailor Edge Afloat and Ashore, or SEA2.

“This new functionality utilizes low-orbit satellites to bring high-speed Internet capability to ships and shore sites,” the release read.

A connection called STtNG, or Satellite Terminal (transportable) Non-Geostationary, allows ships’ tactical feeds to gain secure access to low-orbit satellites.

They must first be installed with Starlink terminals – huge, plate-like devices that connect to the satellite internet service.

In a statement to reporters, a spokesperson said the release had been taken down due to “inaccuracies.” The U.S. Sun has reached out for clarification.

However, August was not the first time Starlink’s name had cropped up.

There were talks of at least two ships being outfitted with terminals in April, with the Navy aiming to bring the tech to hundreds in the future.

SEA2 began as the “passion project” of Commander Kevin White, a combat systems officer aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. The ship was outfitted with a Starlink terminal at the end of August.

Before SEA2, ship communications relied on just a handful of Department of Defense satellites, doing so for three decades.

The six satellites were roughly 22,300 miles away in geostationary orbit and relatively unreliable.

In contrast, the more numerous Spacelink satellites – orbiting between 375 and 750 miles above Earth – could transmit data much faster.

The need for increased connectivity was compounded by COVID-19 lockdowns in March 2020.

Ships couldn’t perform port calls due to country restrictions, “thus severing their connection to the rest of the world,” the press release explained.

“Better and more reliable Internet access would mitigate the issues that arise from less frequent interactions with external sources.”

Starlink, a sub-division of SpaceX, oversees a network of around 7,000 satellites that orbit Earth and offer low-latency internet connectivity across the globe[/caption]

The press release noted that SEA2 was officiated 20 times faster than any other program in the past. It was also the first internet solution to earn cybersecurity certification.

While SEA2 was achievable from a technical standpoint after a few months of testing in 2022, it had to be accredited before being widely implemented.

This could only come after the department outlined a plan for future use of the technology, including investments in programs and product support.

The program went from initial authority to test to full accreditation in just five months. Now, the Navy says SEA2 is “on the cusp” of being available on every ship in the fleet. 

Like personal Starlink ‘dishes,’ the ships must be installed with terminals – large, flat devices that connect to the satellite network – in order to gain access[/caption]

It is unclear how many have been outfitted with a Starlink terminal, but news of the installation aboard the USS Lincoln came as the ship was redirected to the US Central Command’s area of operations in the Middle East.

There were whispers even before then. In February 2023, a WiFi-enabled Starlink system was installed aboard the USS Gerald R. Ford to connect crewmembers with their loved ones.

According to the now-deleted release, “plans in motion” utilize SEA2’s heightened speed and functionality.

Flank Speed Edge is one example. The cloud system can transmit terabytes of data to users aboard a ship, keeping them connected during months at sea.

The Navy says the faster speeds provide a ‘tactical’ edge while offering crewmembers a much-needed way to connect with friends and family during months at sea[/caption]

While the technology certainly offers tactical advantages – which remain under wraps – it also provides a way for service members to connect with friends and loved ones back home.

Aboard the USS Lincoln, SEA2 has “completely revolutionized” life at sea. This past February, the ship hosted a Super Bowl watch party for the first time.

“We want to escape the mindset that SEA2 is only for tactical use,” White said.

“Right now, it’s all about getting the best out of our Sailors by keeping them connected to home in a way they’re used to and giving them the tools to do their jobs more effectively.”

What is Starlink?

Here's a recap on the satellite constellation:

Starlink is a satellite internet constellation developed by SpaceX, aimed at providing high-speed, low-latency internet access across the globe. It consists of thousands of small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), which work together to deliver internet service to users on the ground.

Starlink is designed to offer internet access in remote and underserved areas where traditional broadband services are limited or unavailable.

The system aims to provide broadband-level speeds, offering performance comparable to or better than conventional terrestrial connections.

The low Earth orbit configuration allows for lower latency compared to traditional satellite internet systems, which are often based in higher geostationary orbits.

As more satellites are launched and added to the constellation, the network’s capacity and performance are expected to improve, accommodating more users and enhancing service quality.

To connect to the Starlink network, users need a Starlink Kit, which includes a phased-array antenna (often referred to as the “dish”) and a Wi-Fi router. The antenna is designed to automatically align with the satellites for optimal signal reception.

The constellation is continually growing, with regular launches adding more satellites to the network to improve coverage and performance.

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