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Автоинспекторы в Лобне напомнили детям правила дорожного движения

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В Петербурге суд признал экстремистской книгу "Сатанинская Библия"

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Eye watering amount of money thrown in Rome’s Trevi Fountain each year – visitors to Trafalgar Square are much cheaper

MORE than a million Euros is thrown into the Trevi Fountain in Rome each year, it has been revealed, with visitors from all over the world chucking cash into the monument every single day.

In fact, so many coins are launched into the fountain by tourists, that they has to be collected twice a week, after which it is donated to charity.

It’s tradition for tourists to throw coins into the Trevi Fountain[/caption]
Workers collect the coins from the fountains twice every week[/caption]
The coins are donated to charity and used to run food banks and soup kitchens[/caption]

The fountain is one of the main sights to see in the Italian capital, with holidaymakers following the tradition of throwing a coin from their right hand over their left shoulder.

The ritual has been taking place for hundreds of years, with people actually supposed to throw three coins over their shoulder, instead of just one.

Each coin is meant to symbolise a different wish, with the first guaranteeing travellers that they will return to Rome one day.

The second ensures they will find love in the city, while the third supposedly means they will marry there.

Although this tradition has been taking place for hundreds of years, with the fountain built in the 1700s, it was popularised by films like 1954’s Three Coins in the Fountain and 1960’s La Dolce Vita.

Now, no trip to the Eternal City is complete without tourists throwing some of their hard-earned over their shoulder into the water behind them.

This generates a hefty amount of money for local charities, with around €1.5m (£1.25m) collected from the fountain every single year.

Four workers don their wellies twice a week and splash around collecting the small fortune, which is then donated to Catholic charity Caritas.

They then use the bucketfuls of change to fund local charitable services, like food banks, soup kitchens and welfare projects.

Collecting the coins isn’t an easy process, with the workers first having to sweep them into a line using a long-reach broom.

After that, they are sucked up by hoses before they’re taken to the Caritas office to be dried with a hairdryer.

After that, they’re put to good use by the charity.

Signs around the monument warn tourists about the risks of trying to collect the coins for themselves.

And anyone caught jumping into the fountain is likely to receive a hefty fine, with two Australian visitors fined €450 (£380) for taking a dip last year.

They also received a 48-ban on visiting certain parts of the city.

The millions dragged from the Trevi Fountain makes it the richest wishing well in the world.

Its annual income far exceeds that of other famous fountains, like the one at Trafalgar Square in London, for example, which makes a modest yearly earning of around £1,200.

Nevertheless, the coins are still collected and subsequently donated to good causes.

Vegas Slots Online wrote: “While some wells overflow with generosity, others, like London’s Trafalgar Square fountains, see a more modest collection.

“But every coin counts, and even these smaller amounts are put to good use, supporting charities like the RSPCA.”

Everything you need to know about visiting Italy

  • Brits must have at least three months left on their passport from the day they plan to leave the country.
  • Tourists do not need a visa if visiting for up to 90 days in 180 days.
  • Make sure your passport is stamped on entry and exit.
  • Travellers may be asked to show hotel booking confirmations and that they have enough money for their stay at the border.
  • Holidaymakers may also need to show proof of insurance.
  • Italy is one hour ahead of the UK.
  • The country uses the euro with around €10 working out to £8.55.
  • Flights to Italy from the UK take between 2 hours and 30 minutes to 3 hours depending on the destination.

Meanwhile, people in the UK put objects in this natural water attraction.

And this 1,500 year old tourist attraction has scrapped free entry.

Throwing the coins into the fountain is said to grant wishes[/caption]

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