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I sleep for 30 mins a night & have done for 12 yrs – I’m convinced it’s doubled my life expectancy despite what docs say

A FITNESS fanatic claims to sleep for a mere 30 minutes a night and has done so for over a decade – and he believes it’ll double his life expectancy.

Daisuke Hori, 40, from Japan, made the drastic lifestyle change more than 12 years ago in order to boost his work efficiency.

Daisuke Hori, 40, claims he has been sleeping only 30 minutes for the past 12 years in order to get ripped[/caption]
The Japanese fitness fanatic said he struggled to find enough time for his favourite hobbies before altering his lifestyle[/caption]
Jam Press
He now fits in as much as he can in a single day at the expense of sleeping[/caption]

He claims to have trained his mind and body to function on as little sleep as possible – and boasts he never feels tired.

According to the NHS, adults need around seven to nine hours sleep a night for the body to be completely rested.

Not achieving the required amount of sleep can have significant effects on your health.

But Daisuke goes against doctors and gets some shut-eye for less than an hour each day.

Now he believes his sleeping habits will “double” his life expectancy.

A lover of artmusic and reading, Daisuke struggled to fit everything into a normal day.

He said he always felt that 16 hours was not enough time for all the things he wanted to do, so he started researching and experimenting.

Eventually, he found a shortcut – less sleep.

Daisuke did some research on how little rest he could function off and began practising sleeping for short periods at a time.

After two months, he claims he was able to shorten his sleep time to just 30 minutes a day and still function normally.

Daisuke has also revealed what his daily routine looks like, which begins at 3am every day.

He follows a precise and structured itinerary that ensures he fits in as much as possible before going to sleep at 2:30am the following morning.

Half an hour later, of course, he gets up and starts a brand new day.

A typical morning involves driving to the beach, surfing, exercising, studying and writing.

In the afternoon, he will play online games, have lunch with friends and shoot a YouTube video on short-term sleep.

In the evening, he’ll teach an online lecture on the same subject, before eating dinner around 11:30pm.

After that, he’ll prepare for the following day’s work, before eventually going to sleep.

The president of the Japan Short-Term Sleep Coaching Association, Daisuke often gives classes and advice on how to get the ultimate nap.

How sleep can affect your health

GETTING enough sleep is vital to living a healthy life as it helps to repair and restore our brains as well as our bodies.

The NHS suggests you get between six to nine hours of sleep a night and advises you to keep a bedtime routine in order to function effectively.

Waking up at the same time every day is also effective for maintaining good mental and physical health.

But not achieving the required amount of sleep can have a significant affect on your health.

A lack of sleep can affect growth and stress hormones, our immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

Research also shows that a lack of sleep increases the risk for obesity, heart disease and infections.

Daisuke previously featured on a TV show to discuss his bizarre sleeping schedule
On some nights he even got less than 30 minutes of sleep[/caption]

He claims that more than 1,600 people have taken his short-term sleep classes, which reportedly has a 90% success rate.

The class consists of explaining how to reduce the duration of sleep while also maintaining physical and mental health.

But doctors warn against having very little sleep.

Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to issues like memory decline, weakened immunity and mood disorders.

On top of this there is an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, a neurologist told South China Morning Post.

Daisuke previously featured on a TV show to discuss his bizarre sleeping schedule.

When the TV show producers challenged him to prove his sleeping routine, he allowed a TV crew into his house for three days to document him.

Somehow, he got 30 minutes of sleep and some nights even less.

Some viewers questioned how he was not getting sleepy after a meal, yet Daisuke explained that he did get sleepy but stayed awake with caffeinated drinks.

Daisuke Hori's routine

DAISUKE'S hectic routine begins at 3am every day and runs through until 2:30am the following morning.

  • 3.00am – Wake up
  • 3.30am – Drive to Chiba Prefecture, where there are several beaches
  • 5.30 am – Surfing at Chiba Beach with friends for two hours
  • 7.30am – Drive home, shower and continue the routine
  • 10.30 am – Exercise
  • 11.00 am – Study nutrition and write
  • 1.30 pm – Play online games
  • 2.30 pm – Have lunch with friends
  • 3.30 pm – Shoot a YouTube video on short-term sleep
  • 7.30 pm – Teach an online lecture on short-term sleep
  • 11.30 pm – Eat dinner and prepare for tomorrow’s work
  • 2.30am – Sleep for 30 mins
He follows a precise itinerary that ensures he fits in as much as possible before sleeping[/caption]

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