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Who is Paralympic 2024 transgender athlete Valentina Petrillo?

VALENTINA PETRILLO has become the first openly transgender athlete to compete in the Paralympic Games – and has reached the semi-final of the semi-finals of the T12 400m.

The Italian sprinter, 51, said she wants to be the “first of many” having debuted at the Games in Paris. 

Italy’s Valentina Petrillo hopes to be a trailblazer at the Paralympic Games
Getty Images

Who is Paralympic transgender athlete Valentina Petrillo?

Valentina Petrillo is the first trans woman to take part in the World Para Athletics Grand Prix.

The visually impaired athlete debuted at the Italian Paralympics Championship, competing in the T12 100, 200 and 400m sprints.

Born in Naples on October 2, 1973, Petrillo started taking part in athletics at a young age.

However, she began losing her sight at the age of 14, as a result of being diagnosed with Stargardt disease.

Stargardt disease is a rare, inherited genetic eye condition that causes a gradual loss of vision.

After finishing her studies in Bologna, she joined Italy’s national futsal team for the visually impaired.

Determined to get back into athletics, she returned to sports at the age of 41, winning 11 national titles in the men’s sprinting category.

In 2019, she decided to transition.

Speaking to the BBC about the consequences of her decision, she said: “My metabolism has changed.

“I’m not the energetic person I was. In the first months of transition, I put on 10kg.”

She continued: “I can’t eat the way I did before, I became anaemic, my haemoglobin is low, I’m always cold, I don’t have the same physical strength, my sleep isn’t what it was, I have mood swings.

“I’m not the same as before.”

She said her times became slower too, adding: “As a sportsperson, to accept that you won’t go as fast as before is difficult.

“I had to accept this compromise, because it is a compromise for my happiness.”

Petrillo has already set a few running records
Getty Images

The sports star competed for the first time in the women’s category at the Italian Para Athletics Championships on September 11, 2020.

It was a turning point in athletics as it was the first time in paralympic sports that a transgender person was able to compete.

Petrillo’s journey is chronicled in a documentary called 5 Nanomoles – The Olympic Dream of a Trans Woman.

On April 25, 2021, Petrillo set a new national record in the 400 metres T13 class, then improved in June of the same year.

I am prepared for the criticism. But again we need to respect our rules, we cannot disrespect our rules.

Andrew ParsonsInternational Paralympic Committee President

She then set another record on March 22, 2021, this time in 200 metres T12.

Petrillo told BBC Sport that her participation at the Games would be an “important symbol of inclusion”.

Last year, Petrillo won two bronze medals at the World Para Athletics Championships.

What events is Paralympic transgender athlete Valentina Petrillo competing in?

Petrillo competes in the women’s T12 classification for athletes with visual impairments.

The 51-year-old sprinter is expected to run in the T12 200m and 400m at the Games.

Sprinters with a T12 classification have lower visual perception than those in the T13 category.

Athletes in the T13 sport class have low vision in both eyes, but more vision than those in T12.

Petrillo hopes that her appearance will inspire others
Getty Images

Under World Para Athletics regulations, any athlete is eligible to compete in the women’s competition if they are recognised as female in law.

The rules says: “World Para Athletics will deal with any cases involving transgender athletes in accordance with the IOC’s transgender guidelines (as amended by the IOC from time to time) and any applicable World Para Athletics regulations.”

Asked about Petrillo’s likely inclusion at the upcoming games, International Paralympic Committee (IPC) president, Andrew Parsons, said he was “prepared for criticism” around Petrillo’s selection.

He also appealed for a uniform stance on transgender athletes competing at international games.

Parsons said: “I am prepared for the criticism. But again we need to respect our rules, we cannot disrespect our rules.

“So sometimes as an individual I think one way or another, but we need to follow our constitution, we need to follow our own rules and in the specific sports the rules of the international federations need to be respected.

“So for the moment World Para Athletics rules allow her to compete, so she will be welcome as any other athlete.”

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