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Dozens of Asian hornets that ‘attack in swarms’ found in UK as Brits warned over invasion of deadly bug

BRITS have been told to remain vigilant as more than two dozen deadly Asian hornets have been spotted across the UK already this year.

Experts have sounded the alarm after a nest was also uncovered amid fears of an invasion in the next couple of years.

Asian hornets eat bees and attack their hives[/caption]
Asian and European hornets are slightly different in colour and size

Scientists have pleaded with Brits to report any sightings of the frightening pests, whose stings can be deadly.

Asian hornets eat bees and can demolish their hives in a matter of hours.

They have a 6mm stinger capable of striking repeatedly – and once they succeed a pheromone is released that drives them all crazy to kill, beekeepers have previously told The Sun.

Asian hornets don’t tend to be aggressive unless they sense their own nest is threatened, in which case they can reportedly charge in a group.

At least 25 of Asian hornets have been identified this year already, according to the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH).

They warn that without early detection and rapid response, the species could gain a foothold here in the UK and pose a serious threat to British biodiversity.

Since the first sighting of Asian hornets in Great Britain in 2016, the number of observations has rocketed with 72 confirmed sightings in 2023.

Experts rely on members of the public to report possible sightings through a dedicated app, which has received around 10,000 reports this year already but only 25 have turned out to be Asian hornets.

They’ve asked citizen scientists to use their eyes, ears, and the Asian Hornet Watch app to report anymore they believe they’ve spotted.

“Citizen scientists provide valuable information on the presence of yellow-legged (Asian) hornets across the UK, even though only a fraction of reports are confirmed sightings every record counts and ensures that the few confirmed sightings are managed effectively,” said Professor Helen Roy, Ecologist at UKCEH and the University of Exeter.

“We’re also seeing an increase in the quality and quantity of photos uploaded to the app, so we can assess the records more efficiently

“The vast amount of data we receive from citizen scientists is helping to develop the alert system and our experiences are proving useful for sharing with others in developing similar systems around the world.”

The Asian hornet has distinctive yellow legs and an orange head.

Asian hornets cause significant damage to native pollinators, including our much-loved honeybees

Kate WilsonHead of the Animal & Plant Health Agency’s National Bee Unit

Their abdomen tends to be entirely dark with a single band of yellow – whereas native hornets have a predominantly yellow abdomen.

They are sometimes confused with the European hornet which is slightly bigger and an important and valued part of UK wildlife.

Another key difference is that they aren’t active at night, while European hornets can be attracted to lights.

“One of the easiest ways to identify them is by looking at their legs. Yellow-legged hornets have yellow and brown on their legs, whereas European hornets’ legs are only brown,”  Professor Roy explained.


Experts are also wary of nests, having uncovered 89 since 2016.

Worryingly, 72 of these were discovered in 2023 alone – and all have been destroyed.

So far this year, one nest has been found and exterminated.

“Evidence of overwintering yellow-legged hornet queens is concerning, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we have an established population here in the UK,” Professor Roy continued.

“The strategy is to destroy nests to prevent queens from spreading, and so the role of the people in reporting potential sightings through the app is critical so we can pass that information onto the National Bee Unit to respond as quickly as possible.”

Kate Wilson, Head of the Animal & Plant Health Agency’s National Bee Unit, said: “Asian hornets cause significant damage to native pollinators, including our much-loved honeybees.

“APHA’s National Bee Unit continues to take swift and effective action to stamp out the threat posed by Asian hornets as part of ongoing monitoring and surveillance work to protect our pollinators. 

“The Asian Hornet Watch app is an important tool to help the National Bee Unit respond to sightings as early as possible.

“Please continue to be vigilant for any Asian hornets and if you think you’ve spotted one, report your sighting through the Asian hornet app.”

The species originated in Asia and was introduced into France unintentionally in a pottery consignment.

In 2009, local authorities in the tourist region of Lot-et-Garonne warned people to “never attempt to destroy an Asian hornet nest yourself but call on specialist organisations, as this species charges in a group as soon as it feels its nest is threatened”, The Telegraph reported.

The 5 best flowers to help bees to thrive

Nature experts at Faith In Nature have shared the 5 best flowers Brits can plant in their gardens to help bees thrive.

Rebecca Miller, Fabulous’ Associate Editor and keen gardener explains why “bees are brilliant”.

“They are vital. They pollinate our food and play a crucial role in our ecosystem. But climate change, the increasing use of pesticides and loss of habitat means bees are endangered. No matter how big your garden or outside space is, you can plant a flower or two to help bees.”


Lavender can thrive in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. It’s fragrant and flowers all-summer-long meaning it’s a big hit with bees – especially bumble bees.


This cheery flower giant are bee-magnets. And if you look closely at a sunflower head, the big ‘flowers’ are actually a cluster of small flowers, called an inflorescence which attract pollinators.

Ideally, grow sunflowers in groups to provide nectar and pollen for as many bees as possible. At the end of summer, collect the dried seeds from the sunflower heads to feed the birds or plant next year.


These abundant, bell-shaped blooms are brimming with nectar and pollen – which is good news for bees.


A vivid blue wildflower, cornflowers are often planted alongside other meadow blooms, like ox-eye daisies and poppies.

They grow on tall stems and are packed with nectar, making them particularly attractive to bees. Cornflowers bloom for a long time and are simple to grow, so they’re perfect for first-time gardeners and experienced alike. 

Crocuses (and snowdrops)

Later this summer, when you’re starting to plan for your Spring displays, consider crocuses and snowdrops.

They provide bees, such as the queen buff-tailed bumblebee and male hairy-footed flower bees, with vital early pollen as they emerge from their winter hibernation. 

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