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I’m Dunelm’s Design Director – the no 1 colour that’ll never go out of style & the must-have accessory every room needs

BEIGE and wood tones are currently the most popular interior design choice.

And whilst it’s a huge improvement on the cold grey trend that was made popular by Mrs Hinch a few years ago, it will soon be on it’s way out.

Debbie Drake has worked at Dunelm for over 11 years
Green is the colour that will never go out of fashion according to Debbie[/caption]
Houseplants are the must-have accessory for every room[/caption]

If you’re someone who worries about choosing the wrong colour because it’s going to go out of fashion quickly, Dunelm’s Design Director, Debbie Drake has shared the number one shade that is so timeless, you won’t have to redecorate again.

As Dunelm celebrates it’s 40th birthday, Debbie spoke exclusively to Fabulous about all things interiors.

The first piece of advice Debbie had for anyone considering a room makeover is: “As a general rule, the more popular a trend is, the more unpopular it’s likely to be in the subsequent years.

“The most recent example of this is the colour grey.

“Just a couple of years ago, everyone was decorating in grey. Kitchens were grey, bedrooms were grey, and all home furnishings were, you guessed it, grey.

“Recently, we’ve seen a complete U-turn with this though: people are moving away from the colour as it feels cold and unfriendly.

“Instead, consumers are turning towards joyful colours mixed with neutral and warm tones to make their homes feel like a welcoming and safe space.”

The Design Director said more customers are opting for earthy tones, such as browns, greens and tan, to get closer to nature as they become more eco-conscious.

And this plays into the future trends she predicts.

Bringing the outside, in

Debbie said: “We’re going to see people try and get as close to nature as possible. Whether that’s through the colours they use, the way in which their furniture is made or the products they choose.

“The colour green is extremely popular at the moment and I don’t see that going away.

“Decorating with plants has also become extremely popular and it’s likely this trend will only grow, with the houseplant becoming everyone’s must-have home accessory.”

Did you know Dunelm has a huge range of living plants available to buy online and get delivered?

Another trend that’s up-and-coming is indoor-outdoor.

Debbie said: “We’re already seeing a trend towards products that can live both indoors and outdoors, and I’m sure this will continue into future years.

Nature is a huge interior design theme influencing how our homes look[/caption]

Dunelm's sustainability mission

One change is the company’s “commitment to growth that is sustainable”.

“Within my role and team – product Excellence is at the heart of everything we do. We’re always looking at ways that we can improve our product and customer propositions, and a huge focus within this is making them more sustainable.

Circularity and design are really important to us which essentially means we’re trying to source more environmentally friendly materials that will help us create durable and repairable products, with a timeless design.

As a society we’re also far more eco-conscious, and rightly so, which is why we’ve put a real emphasis on creating long-lasting, sustainable products that can be used year after year.

“We have also introduced various initiatives and take back schemes to help customers donate or recycle their old homeware items, ensuring as little as possible ends up in a landfill – with the latest being our online textile takeback scheme.”

The 80s are making a comeback

The first Dunelm store opened in Churchgate Leicester in 1984 and the products that were stocked are a far cry away from those seen on the shelves in the 180 stores currently nationwide.

Although there are some making a reappearance with a modern twist.

Looking back, Debbies said: “One of the big interior trends in the 80s was bold and bright. Think diagonal stripes, bright bold colours and graphic patterns.

“[And] a lot of patterns and design influences are coming full circle back into the homeware space once more.

“Recently, we’ve seen a resurgence in the use of bold graphics and primary palettes, like yellow, cobalt blue and emerald green.

“Customers are becoming much braver with their use of colour, embracing bright shades and creating a cheerful space in their homes.

The Elements collection is full of bold and fun colours and patterns[/caption]
Dunelm has seen a “resurgence in the use of bold graphics”[/caption]

“Our latest Elements collection embodies this perfectly, particularly within the colour palette and the use of patterns and shapes and it has also been created with sustainability in mind.

“We’ve used new materials and applied circular design principles to keep that classic 80s feel, whilst ensuring the products are more suited to modern times.

“Whether customers are looking for a new statement armchair or a quirky book end, the Elements range has an incredible array of products, all with varied price points, meaning there’s something to suit all budgets and needs.”

Another huge trend Debbie has spotted is more consumer led.

Two for the price of one

“Not only is the average home much smaller than it used to be, but the functionalities have changed too,” she remarked.

“Most children don’t move out at the age of 18 anymore and more and more grandparents are moving back in with their children.

“In the modern day, a home needs to be both multifunctional and multigenerational which has been reflected in the homeware trends that we’ve seen rising to popularity recently.

“Both our rooms and furniture have adapted to be fully multifunctional and versatile – with hacks like sofas now turning into beds and spare rooms also functioning as offices.”

Churchgate is Dunelm’s newest collection, inspired by the first ever store which opened in 1984.[/caption]
The Churchgate collection is all about “timeless quality with a twist”.[/caption]

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