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Weekly horoscope for September 01 – September 07: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20

Uranus, planet of surprises, turns back in your money sector.

This can mean thinking longer and harder before splashing out, plus you can move away from comfort buying and only invest in what means most to you.

Mars moves into your family zone, and big feelings are out in the open – where they belong! 

A new moon of new work moods sparks a desire to move on – and up. 


APR 21 – MAY 21

As your own sign hosts the reversal of Uranus,  so much you don’t understand starts to make sense – and you realise what’s there inside you is ready to come out. 

From love changes to personal challenges – you are the only one who really knows what you need right now. 

Love has all the romantic light of the new moon to encourage new starts, no matter what has gone before. 


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

As Pluto returns to your transformation zone for the last time in your lifetime, it’s now or never to make that New You happen.

Just one small step is all it takes to show yourself you are serious.

Meanwhile Mars fires up new money goals, bigger and better – and Venus brings the promise of whirlwind romance in the least likely places.

A solid gold week, for Gemini!


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

You welcome the warrior planet into your personal star space and feel the difference in your inner courage and outer charisma. 

You can say and do things you never imagined, and really make your mark, for the next few weeks. 

Pluto helps take those big steps to turn back time in love, while Uranus gains you entry to a group you have always admired from afar. 

“7” numbers are lucky.


JULY 23 – AUG 23

Your goal-setting chart lights up and it’s time to get all those secret  hopes out into the open. 

Instead of feeling pushed and pulled, you take control of your own destiny. 

Pluto’s power to disrupt is strong in your work zone, and this can get you into someone else’s career shoes, which are a perfect fit! 

A money moon reminds you to get figures in line before you sign anything. 


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

Your sign hosts the new moon this week, and nothing can stop you becoming the person you know you should be – at home or at work. 

In a planet action-packed week, upheaval thrills you and opportunities are all around.

Barriers fall and you can cope so well with other people’s efforts to hold you back.

In love terms, you smoulder with inner heat and no one can resist.  


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

The Libra you are becoming over the next few months is bold and brave, able to think and act fast, and grow through challenges rather than being beaten by them.

Two big retrogrades impact home life, and make overdue decisions easier to make. 

Mars triples ambition, nothing can stop you when you make up your mind – about who to love, or how and when to work. 


OCT 24 – NOV 22

A partnership may seem out of the ordinary to others, but when you know it works for you, you have planet power to push through.

Love, your way, is the only way right now. 

Pluto’s mischief-making is strong in your talking and listening sector – and from now till January you will have some unexpected, but amazing, conversations. 

It’s not too late to get friends or family close again.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

In a week of big zodiac changes, the one thing that stays the same is your sense of purpose. 

When you make a work, or money, decision, the new inner focus of Uranus, and outer boldness of Pluto, rise to the occasion – and you surprise everyone who knows you. 

Mars adds heat to deepest feelings, and lovers on every level respond with deep devotion. 

Luck counts down slowly from 10. 


DEC 22 – JAN 20

Disrupter planet Pluto returns to your own sign for the last time and offers you the chance to rewrite some recent decisions or documents.

So if you have been unsatisfied with any outcomes, you can take action.

Meanwhile, with Mars now in your marriage zone, you can speak up on any inequality, but also ask those risky questions. 

Single?  Your soulmate seems so loud, but has a quiet heart. 


JAN 21 – FEB 18

Transformer planet Pluto leaves your sign for a few months so you can plan a path in a more measured way. 

The right names for the past may not fit your future, now you see how to manage this. 

Mars fire focuses on fitness and the energy is there to meet some ambitious deadlines. 

A moon of intimacy restores partner closeness, or makes complex singles attraction seem so simple. 


FEB 19 – MAR 20

Throw away everything you think you know about love – and let the new moon’s curiosity guide you. 

Partners can discover whole new parts of themselves and their bond.

Single? Trust your inner heart over external signals – or lack of them. 

Big planet hitters are on the move – as so much of your chart shifts, you feel your strength and adaptability growing. 

Get ready to astonish the world!  

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