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Full list of energy suppliers giving up to £2,000 free cash – check if you can get help with bills

IF you’re struggling with energy costs or debts to your supplier, help could be at hand, with firms handing out up to £2,000 to help cover bills.

Since July 1, energy prices have been capped at £1,568 a year for a typical household who use electricity and gas and pay by direct debit. 

If you’re struggling with energy costs, help could be available from your supplier

According to energy watchdog Ofgem, the average household has 2.4 people living in it and uses 242 kWh of electricity and 1,000 kWh of gas per month.

The price cap fell by £122 a year for the average household from 1 July 2024, following sharp increases in 2022/23.

But costs are still a lot higher than a few years ago, so if you are still struggling to meet payments, a number of firms, including British Gas and Octopus Energy, are offering grants and other support.

Each firm has different schemes and different criteria to access help – here’s everything you need to know.

British Gas

British Gas has set aside £200million to support customers facing financial hardship through its Energy Support Fund.

Since 2021, more than 2.2million British Gas customers have received energy debt write-off grants of up to £2,000.

To be eligible, customers must be seeking a grant to clear an outstanding debt on a current gas, electricity or dual fuel energy account relating to their main residence.

The debt to be cleared must be between £250 and £2,000.

Customers will only be eligible for one grant in a 12 month period and must be in, or facing, fuel poverty.

British Gas has also launched a “You Pay: We Pay” initiative where it matches 100% of energy payments made by customers who are struggling and most in need of help.

The £15million scheme helps customers at risk of falling into debt or already in debt.

Find out more and apply on its website.


ScottishPower has handed out more than £60m in support to customers experiencing difficulties in paying their energy bills, through its Hardship Fund.

You could qualify for help from the fund if you receive support from the following benefits:

  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit
  • Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credits
  • Working Tax Credits
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC)

Help could also be available if you are a low household income or if special circumstances, such as illness, have impacted your earnings.

If your application is successful the fund will wipe all or part of your debt.

To apply contact a recognised debt advice agency such as Step Change online or via phone on  0800 138 1111.


EDF’s Consumer Support Fund provides grants to support vulnerable customers struggling with energy debt.

Grants are given to help clear debt as well as to provide essential white goods, such as fridges or cookers.

You can apply to the scheme through EDF’s Let’s Talk website.

But before you can apply for funding, you need to have taken independent debt advice.

You will also need to provide your EDF account number, current debt balance and details of your household finances and vulnerability.


Utilita Giving is the charity partner of Utilita and offers vulnerable customers grants to help clear energy debt.

The charity operates a number of schemes and currently its Helping Hand Fund is open for applications.

The fund provides grants to wipe or reduced energy debts.

You can apply via the charity’s website by providing details of your gas/electricity debt, as well as your household finances, including benefits and pensions.

Utilita also partners with the charity IncomeMax who work with customers facing financial difficulties to ensure they’re claiming every benefit to which they are entitled.

Over the last three years, this has led to more than £3million of extra income being claimed by customers.

The energy firm also partners with Let’s Talk, to provide replacement white goods, including fridges and washing machines, and boiler replacement service Leap to offer new boilers or fully-funded repairs.

Utility Warehouse

Utility Warehouse offers financial assistance payments of up to £140 to customers about to go into debt, or those who have run out of credit on their prepayment meter.

The scheme is operated by Citizens Advice Plymouth, which also helps Utility Warehouse customers with budgeting advice and benefits assessments.

In the last 12 months the team has helped 6,000 customers increase their combined disposable income by £9million by reducing unnecessary expenditure and claiming additional benefits.  

This winter, Utility Warehouse plans to increase the size of its team of advisors by a further 50% and more than double the amount of financial support available in the face of higher than anticipated energy costs.  

Details of how to access support can be found on its site.


Octopus Energy customers can apply to its £30million Octo Assist fund for support.

The fund has so far helped more than 70,000 customers with energy debt.

The energy firm also supports customers with free electric blankets, thermal imaging cameras and advice on cutting energy bills and budgeting.

You can apply online on the Octopus website.


E.ON’s Next Energy Fund provides grants to customers struggling with energy debts and replaces appliances that are broken or in poor condition.  

Applicants will be asked to supply proof of household income, including evidence of your entitlement to benefits, pension details and confirmation of any medical conditions.

Before you receive help, you’ll also need to show that you’re committed to being financially stable by making regular payments over a three-month period.

Customers can apply online on the provider’s site.

What other energy bill help is there?

If you can’t get help through one of the above funds, there’s other support on offer.

The Household Support Fund is available to thousands across England.

What you are entitled to varies depending on where you live, but you usually receive help if you are on a low income or benefits.

Some households are being issued energy vouchers while others are receiving payments directly into their bank accounts.

You can find what council area you fall under by using the government’s council locator tool.

You just have to type in your postcode and it will tell you which local authority you should contact to see if you can get help.

You may also be able to get a cost of living payment to cover your energy bills.

Thousands are eligible for the £300 payments to help cover essential bills.

Winter Fuel Allowances will also be paid to those on Pension Credit, or other means-tested benefits.

Winter Fuel Allowance payments were previously universal for those over 66, but the Government announced that the number of people who will qualify for up to £300 in energy bill help would be slashed ahead of this year’s payments.

What energy bill help is available?

THERE'S a number of different ways to get help paying your energy bills if you're struggling to get by.

If you fall into debt, you can always approach your supplier to see if they can put you on a repayment plan before putting you on a prepayment meter.

This involves paying off what you owe in instalments over a set period.

If your supplier offers you a repayment plan you don’t think you can afford, speak to them again to see if you can negotiate a better deal.

Several energy firms have grant schemes available to customers struggling to cover their bills.

But eligibility criteria varies depending on the supplier and the amount you can get depends on your financial circumstances.

For example, British Gas or Scottish Gas customers struggling to pay their energy bills can get grants worth up to £2,000.

British Gas also offers help via its British Gas Energy Trust and Individuals Family Fund.

You don’t need to be a British Gas customer to apply for the second fund.

EDF, E.ON, Octopus Energy and Scottish Power all offer grants to struggling customers too.

Thousands of vulnerable households are missing out on extra help and protections by not signing up to the Priority Services Register (PSR).

The service helps support vulnerable households, such as those who are elderly or ill, and some of the perks include being given advance warning of blackouts, free gas safety checks and extra support if you’re struggling.

Get in touch with your energy firm to see if you can apply.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

Plus, you can join our Sun Money Chats and Tips Facebook group to share your tips and stories

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