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I grew up on UK’s roughest estate now I’ve got millions stashed in the bank, but here’s the reason I’ll never retire

MANY of us dream of one day being wealthy enough to never work again but for Jessica Crane that’s her worst nightmare.

Multi-millionaire business coach Jessica has worked punishing hours in the beauty industry since she was just 12 years old, surviving a difficult childhood and making sacrifices to leave her financially secure for life.

Despite having millions in the bank Jessica Crane never plans to retire
Jessica Crane
She says that she thrives off pressure and struggles to understand people who do want to retire[/caption]

Despite achieving global success, the thought of downing tools and taking early retirement makes the mother of two shudder. Stopping work simply isn’t an option.

While many would agree she deserves to relax she admits to thriving on stress.

“Pressure is a privilege,” declares Jessica who grew up on ‘Britain’s biggest hellhole’ estate in Birmingham.

“I barely watch television and there are only so many hobbies you can have. 

“I really don’t know what I would do if I didn’t work. I think I would drive my family crackers. 

“Work gives me passion and purpose.”

Her satisfaction in life comes from not just knowing she has built security for her young family, but also by helping others. 

Guiding women to fulfil their potential and protect themselves financially is what really creates that feel-good factor and fuels her drive.

“Responsibility for me is exactly what pushes me forward on a daily basis,” she explains.

“I love pressure, when there is no pressure I seek pressure. Increasing my goals and looking for ways to put myself under, is when I actually feel the most in control.”

Rather than working as hard as possible in order to retire as early as possible, Jessica is urging people to change that mindset and nurture themselves by enjoying fruits of their labour while they’re young. 

Rewarding hard work regularly is how she inspires herself to keep aiming high and create long term success.

“I often find it odd and challenge people around me when they say they can’t wait to retire,” she admits. 

“To be fair most of these people tend to be employed, so they are limited with time freedom to some degree.

“But when I ask, ‘what is it you plan to do that you can’t do now?’ they’re not really sure, and I think this can come down to society conditioning us to go to school, get a job, work your entire life, and then when you retire you can relax and enjoy yourself.

“But unfortunately this is no longer the reality. 

“Retirement age has increased, and people are not building substantial pensions like previous generations could, due to the cost of living and the cost for people to get on the housing market.

“So, I feel the goal really is to enjoy and embrace life each day, not waiting until the future to enjoy things you could prioritise now.”

Jessica says that people need to stop focusing on balance in order to find happiness.

When can I retire?

IF you're wondering when you can retire, it's best to speak to your pension providers.

Firstly, use the government’s tool to check your state pension age.

Next check retirement ages on workplace pension schemes – this can massively impact your windfall once you enter your golden years.

For advice, you can contact The Pensions Advisory Service for free online or on 0800 011 3797.

“People try to strive for this work-life balance every day and I don’t think that is possible,” she says.

“But I do think your life has seasons; summer and winter.

“Women especially are trying to do, and be perfect, at everything. The perfect mum; saying ‘yes’ to playdates, activities, helping with the PTA, the bake sale, and the never-ending list. 

“Then she wants to work out every week to stay fit and healthy, keep active on social media for their business, support their team, be a good friend and go on the night out you don’t want to go to because you feel you have to, on top of hosting family gatherings.

“Now I love doing all these things – but if I’m in winter and in the middle of a high-pressure task for my business – I am going to take some of these off my plate for a while.

“If you are working longer hours on a project, you have to reprioritise some expectations without feeling guilty, and in summer periods you’ll have more time and the pressure is off slightly.”

The mum says people need to stop making retirement their goal[/caption]

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