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I ripped out my hideous fake grass & swapped it for a lawn that’s lush & green all year round & it doesn’t need mowing

A HOMEOWNER who ripped up her artificial lawn has shared how she created a ‘whimsical’ wildlife haven complete with Facebook marketplace freebies. 

Kayleigh Gaskin, from North Hertfordshire, moved into her home in 2022, with partner Mason and their cat, Oswald.

Kayleigh wasn’t keen on artificial grass before as it’s ‘awful’ for the environment[/caption]
This is what her lawn and garden looks like now![/caption]

One of the first tasks on the list was to rip up the artificial lawn in her garden.

She said: “They [artificial lawns] are awful for the environment.

“They take so much energy and water to manufacture and end up in landfill as they cannot be recycled. 

“I wanted to create my own wildlife heaven, [and] a plastic carpet did not fit in with this vision.”

Sometimes, homeowners lay artificial lawns over concrete – luckily for Kayleigh, hers just hada layer of gravel and membrane then soil.

Once the artificial lawn was removed, then came the question, what to put down next

“I thought about just planting a normal lawn, but I saw a photo of a clover field and thought ‘I could do that in my garden!’” Kayleigh explained.

She added: “I think they look so gorgeous, they give a real whimsical feel to the garden.

“They are also fantastic for pollinators as they flower in spring and summer

“Perfectly pruned lawns are a big thing, but I love the wild look.

“I wanted my garden to be a haven for local wildlife and to break into the new trends of rewilding and allowing nature to do its thing. 

“It is also so much safer for Oswald [the cat] now – I don’t have to worry about him burning his paws when the plastic heats up. It is so much softer for him to play in.”

Kayleigh managed to keep the costs of transforming her garden to a minimum by tackling the manual labour herself. 

“We didn’t have to pay anyone for the removal of the artificial lawn and then preparing the soil for seed,” she said.

“Apart from the seed, the only thing we had to pay for was some topsoil, which really helped the seed to establish well.

“We also found some old crazy paving from Facebook for free which we used to create a ‘fairy garden’ style path to the shed,” she added.

She was originally concerned about replacing it with a clover lawn as they aren’t very common[/caption]
Kayleigh said it’s had a positive impact on her mental wellbeing[/caption]

“The actual sowing and growing of the lawn was so simple. As long as you have the area prepped and ready to go, it will be super easy.

“I have been shocked at how fast it grows! 

“The wildlife in the garden has certainly improved. I have so much more space to plant things which has also increased the biodiversity of wildlife in the garden. 

“It has had such a positive impact on my mental health. It is such a joy to be outside surrounded by nature and I have loved watching it grow through every stage.

“No matter how small your space is, you can make such a big difference.”

Kayleigh shares regular lawn updates on her Instagram account, @62SunshineHouse.

Chris McIlroy, lawn expert at The Grass People, has noticed a higher demand for clover seed and believes it could be ideal for homeowners who want a low-maintenance lawn.

Seasonal lawn care schedule

Lawn care varies from season to season, with some tasks helping to encourage growth and root development whilst others help maintain the soil quality.

Claire Baglin, landscaping category manager from Toolstation has shared lawn care tasks and tips for each season:

Spring (March, April, May)

  • Start to mow the grass bi-weekly in March when the soil and air temperatures typically reach above 6C.
  • Fertilise the lawn for the first time during March using some quick-release fertiliser that is rich in nitrogen to help promote shoot growth.
  • Scarify the lawn for the first time during April to remove any built-up moss or thatch that can accumulate throughout the winter.
  • Aerate the lawn during April by spiking holes into the soil surface. This will help to loosen the soil and encourage growth.
  • Overseeding can also be carried out throughout April to patch up any thin or bare areas of grass.  

Summer (June, July, August)

  • From June start to cut your grass once a week – apart from in periods of extreme heat and droughts. Increase the cutting height to protect the lawn from any possible droughts.
  • In June make sure to treat the lawn for any weeds – this can either be manual removal for individual weeds or using weed killer for larger clusters.
  • During July and August make sure to water the lawn at least once a week by giving it a soak for 5-10 minutes.

Autumn (September, October, November)

  • From September reduce the lawn mowing frequency back to once every two weeks and conduct the last mow of the year in November.
  • Fertilise the lawn for a second time during October using a slow-release fertiliser that is rich in phosphorous and potassium to strengthen the lawn.
  • Throughout October and November remove any fallen leaves and other debris from the lawn surface.

Winter (December, January, February)

  • From December to the end of February leave the lawn alone. Grass typically does not grow in the colder winter temperatures.
  • Winter is the perfect time of the year to conduct any lawnmower maintenance including checking over the blades and filters.

He explained: “The fescue grass species and the deep root system of clover lawns create a drought-tolerant garden that stays green all year, even in summer heat and frosty winters. 

“Clover lawns are also low-maintenance as they can self-feed, which also keeps costs down.

“When the clover blooms, it releases a sweet smell and also attracts bees and other pollinators to your garden. 

“A clover lawn makes it easier than ever to have a thriving, easy-to-care-for garden that you can enjoy all year round.” 

He added those with clover lawns don’t need to mow them as often as ordinary grass and will keep the lush green colour year-round.

“Due to its deep roots, a clover lawn stays vibrantly green all year round. It also retains its colour in even the driest UK summers,” Chris said.

“Clover lawns are low-growing, so you don’t need to mow them often to keep them under control.

“But, if you decide your lawn needs a mow, set your mower on a medium-high setting.

“Clover will grow naturally to around four to six inches tall.

“If you prefer a neater and lower-growing clover carpet look across your lawn, you can encourage clover to grow smaller by mowing more often.”

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