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Wayne Rooney wooing Plymouth squad already as hometown hero reveals how Man Utd legend has transformed area within weeks

WAYNE ROONEY has always had superstar quality — but his common touch will make him a huge success at Plymouth.

That is the view of lifelong Argyle fan and midfielder Adam Randell.

Wayne Rooney is back in the Championship with Plymouth after disappointment at Birmingham

The 23-year-old’s jaw almost hit the ground when the England and Manchester United legend was appointed boss this summer.

And Randell — along with the rest of the Pilgrims squad — were starstruck when Rooney, 38, walked into Home Park.

But having worked with him during pre-season, it has been his down-to-earth persona that has wooed the squad.

That has also been reflected off the field where Rooney is embracing life on the Dorset coast, wandering into pubs and chatting to locals.

He even gatecrashed a quiz evening at one bar — listening intently to the questions in a Euro round, although not taking part himself.

And ahead of tomorrow’s Championship opener at Sheffield Wednesday, Randell said: “I was surprised when he was announced. I couldn’t believe it.

“I had been reading the speculation and thinking, ‘No way’.

“When he was named, it was surreal knowing that someone you’ve grown up watching and admiring is going to be in and around you in your daily life. It was strange but very exciting, too.


“You have to give yourself a reality check in a moment like that — knowing who he is and what he’s done in his career, but also understanding he’s now your boss!

“And since Rooney has come in, he’s been great. All the lads speak highly of him.

“He’ll have a conversation with people every single day — which is nice for us.

“It’s nice to have that interest in us, whether it’s football based or non-football based. To have that connection is good.

“The fact he walked into that pub on quiz night and chatted with everyone is exactly how he’s been here with the players, staff and fans. I’ve actually done that quiz myself.

“He’s just a normal, everyday guy who comes across as genuine, likeable and approachable, which is huge for us as players.

“We want to be able to talk to the manager and have conversations. There are no heirs and graces about him.”

But despite that, just Rooney being the manager has raised the profile of Argyle through the roof.

Randell — born and bred in the city — knows more than anyone how Plymouth is often seen as a football outpost because of its location on the Devon-Cornwall border.

He said: “Because he’s such a big name himself, he brings so many eyes to the club.

“It was massive for everyone at the club and gave us all a huge boost.

“We often get forgotten down this part of the world — that is certainly not going to be the case this season.”

The midfielder has already been getting pearls of wisdom from Rooney, who played in his position towards the end of his career.

And Randell said: “I’ve learned a lot directly from him. He has had that experience in my position so has been able to give me certain pointers of what he expects of me.

“The things he has been telling other players I’ve listened to — making sure if it’s not directly based towards me I can pick up on that and learn from that as well.

“He’s always honest and told us that from the start that’s how he is.

“He’s clear in what he expects of people and that is to work hard and be a complete team to win games. We’re fully focused on performing well and getting results.”

Randell has been an “obsessed Argyle fan” since he was taken to a home game on his sixth birthday as a treat.

And he was thrilled that when he was signed to the club’s academy, he was able to pick up free tickets for Home Park and went most weeks with his dad.

He said: “There have been so many fond memories but the one that pops in my head most is Peter Hartley’s late League Two play-off semi-final winner against Portsmouth in 2016.

“I was sitting in block two with my family and was tempted to go on the pitch but my dad said ‘No’ because I was in the academy and it wouldn’t have looked good.

“That one when I went away to Liverpool in the FA Cup in 2017 was another one. The play-off final in 2016.

“So, it’s great to now pull on the green jersey and run out in front of my family and friends, who are all season-ticket holders.

“Looking up and seeing smiling Plymouth fans and people I recognise is brilliant.”

Randell played for the Pilgrims when they were in League Two and passionately believes the club can aim for Premier League football in the not-too-distant future.

Plymouth celebrated staying up by a point in their first campaign after promotion from League One (below) and he wants to be more greedy with his expectations this season.

He said: “Our main goal has to be to stay in the division but, ultimately, we want to build for something special to happen here.

“I’ve spoken about it multiple times and said where we want the club to be in future years.

“We’ve said although the Premier League seems a long way away, it’s achievable. There’s nothing that can stop us achieving that.”

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