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Wilko launches surprising new home service as confused shoppers say the chain is ‘getting out of hand’

HOMEWEAR store Wilko has launched a surprising new home service leaving shoppers confused and saying the chain “is getting out of hand”.

But it could be the perfect thing shoppers need to put the waste from all their other household buys from the bargain store in.

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One fan asked if Wilko had been hacked[/caption]
Wilko is now offering a skip service[/caption]

Wilko is now offering a rubbish skip service for home or garden waste.

The chain said in a post to Facebook: “Forgotten to order a skip? Need one delivered tomorrow? No problem! Hire a skip in minutes and get it delivered the next day.

“Whether you’re landscaping a garden or clearing a site, we have a wide range of skips to suit your needs. Flexible rental periods, expert advice, and a quick, easy hire process. “

The new service has left Wilko fans shocked at the “random” decision.

One said: “Wilko is getting out of hand with all this random stuff it is now doing.”

Another wrote: “Wilko How are we supposed to get a skip home from the store?”

While a third commented: “Wilko, have you been hacked?”

It comes after Wilko unveiled a host of new services, including its first-ever kitchen collection, click and collect and order points, where shoppers can browse the catalogue and order whatever they like to be delivered to the store or their home.

The bargain chain also unveiled Iceland freezers, usually found in The Range stores, at two of its branches as part of a trial.

Shoppers can raid the freezers to stock up on all of the classic Iceland ranges, including TGI Friday’s, Greggs and Slimming World.

The collaboration between Wilko and Iceland follows the supermarket’s partnership with The Range, which are both owned by CDS supermarkets.

Alex Simpkin, CDS chief executive said: “For our wilko roll-out we’ve been keen to trial lots of new additions to enhance the shopper experience. 

“Alongside all the great products our Wilko customers know and love we’ve added even more lines, new services and have expanded categories including food.”


Wilko is slowly rebuilding its presence on high streets after collapsing into administration in August 2023 and closing all of its 400 stores.

Following several failed rescue bids, fellow bargain chain The Range bought Wilko‘s name and intellectual property.

Wilko’s website relaunched shortly after the sale went through and began selling classic Wilko products in the former’s stores.

Then, in late November, the retailer shocked fans by announcing that physical stores would also be making a comeback.

By December, three shops were open in PlymouthExeter, and Luton.

In March, a further two sites opened in St Albans and Rotherham.

The Sun was recently invited to take an exclusive tour of the new Wilko in in The Maltings shopping centre in St Albans.

What happened to Wilko?

Here is a timeline of what happened to Wilko

  • May 2021: Wilko full year pre-tax profits drop and sales decline £107m thanks to a “challenging retail landscape” in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis.
  • January 2022: The retailer reveals plans to close 15 stores in 2022, putting hundreds of jobs on the line.
  • September 2022: Supplier payments are deferred and extended in a bid to manage cash flow. Wilko asks landlords to pay its quarterly rent bill in monthly instalments as it conserves cash to stock up for Christmas.
  • October 2022: The business drafts in advisers from Teneo as it tries to find ways to cut costs.
  • Credit insurers Allianz Trade and Atradius withdraws cover for the firm.
  • November 2022: Wilko tries to secure an emergency £30m cash injection as cost pressures intensify in the run-up to Christmas as managing director Alison Hands departs the business. The retailer posts a £36.8m loss in the year to January 29, 2022 in ‘incredibly difficult period’.
  • December 2022: The company names Bensons for Beds boss Mark Jackson as its new CEO as talks continue over a refinancing.
  • January 2023: Wilko secures a £40m lifeline from Homebase and Cath Kidston owner Hilco UK and tells suppliers it will no longer stock toys across its stores, as it focuses on selling garden and household goods.
  • February 2023: The business reveals plans to axe over 400 jobs as it looks to control costs and shuffles its senior leadership team
  • May 2023: Wilko considers launching a CVA to cut rent costs and potentially close stores
  • June 2023: The retailer hires property agent CBRE to help negotiate lower rents as PwC lined up to manage a CVA.
  • July 2023: The business looks to secure fresh funding as its owners consider selling a controlling stake Hilco agrees to lend about £5m in additional funding to Wilko as it faces an intensifying cash squeeze.
  • August 2023: Wilko appoints PwC as administrator, potentially putting 12,000 jobs at risk.
  • September 2023:  Poundland swooped in to snap up 71 Wilko stores while administrators sold up to 51 Wilko stores to rival B&M. PwC agree the sale of the retailer’s brand name and intellectual property to The Range in a £5million deal.
  • October 2023All Wilko stores close and disappear from the high street. Wilko reveals that its online shop is back. Wilko shops announced to return too.
  • December 2023First Wilko stores return in Exeter and Plymouth.
Wilko has struggled with the cost of living crisis[/caption]

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