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‘So this is crazy’ people cry as woman living on a cruise shows OTT sleep set-up and it’s a ‘nightmare’ for her roommate

A WOMAN has left people baffled with her extreme sleeping set up – and it’s a total nightmare for her roommate.

A lot of people have their own quirky sleep habits, like wearing face masks, only sleeping on certain bedding, or listening to music to drift off.

The friends revealed their sleeping arrangements in their shared cruise cabin[/caption]
The woman brought a sheet and magnets to hang it from to make a partition[/caption]
She also brought four extra blankets and a head tent[/caption]

But this cruise goer definitely took things to a whole other level when she set up her bed.

Posting on TikTok, the woman, who goes by @HappyGoLiving on social media, explained that her “sleep needs” are very different to her roommates.

“This is sleep tent 2.0,” she said in the viral clip before showing off her bed.

When you walk into the friends’ cabin on the ship, only one bed is visible because the woman hung a huge white curtain around hers.

But that’s just the beginning of her customisations.

At the bottom of the bed she keeps two blankets, then under her duvet there are two more blankets, which she sandwiches herself between as she snoozes.

Perhaps the most mind boggling is “the head tent” which is a small blue tend at the top of her bed for just her head to go in.

“It’s just a beach shade that I sleep inside,” she explained.

It’s not just for cruising though, as she explained that tent is also used when she’s at home.

Next to the bed there’s a white noise machine, which is “loud”.

And just in case one doesn’t do the job, she also revealed there’s another one inside her head tent – and if you think that’s a lot she also noted that at home she has four of them.

But confusingly, she added that she also keeps plenty of earplugs in her head tent too.

The clip has racked up 4.7 million views and left people totally baffled by the whole ordeal.

“The two white noise machines and then earplugs tell a story. Your poor roommate, she has to endure that super loud machine while you wear earplugs,” one said.

“Earplugs and two white noise machines is absolutely ridiculous I can’t get behind it,” a second agreed.

“Hey, so this is insane,” a third wrote.

Meanwhile, others thought she should’ve booked her own room because of her sleep set up.

“Your roommate is a saint but you should’ve got your own room,” one said.

“Maybe just, stay home,” another commented.

Replying to the comments, the roommate revealed that although she doesn’t have the curtain or tent so does like the sound machines too.

“I have two sound machines on at home, I’m being very well taken care of,” she hit back.

In another clip, the woman explained that she has to bring an extra suitcase for all her sleep gear.

But as far as she’s concerned it’s “totally worth it.”

She also revealed that she had brain surgery a eight months ago, which left her with heightened senses, which is why she now goes the extra mile at bed time.

The best sleep routine and environment

Thomas Høegh Reisenhus, TEMPUR® sleep specialist & sleep counsellor, reveals the key components of a good bedtime routine and environment...

A sure-fire way to facilitate a better night’s sleep is to practice good sleep hygiene.

Establish a sleep routine that works for you and stick to it. 

This will help your body establish a consistent, natural sleep-wake cycle which can do wonders for your overall sleep quality. 

As such, try to avoid making up for lost sleep with a lie-in. 

Instead of sleeping in, spend your morning reading a book in bed or having a leisurely coffee in the kitchen.

Ensure that your bedroom, bedding, and sleepwear are fit for purpose too. 

The ideal sleep environment is dark, quiet, and cool – much like a cave. 

If you find unwelcome sources of light are keeping you up, consider investing in an eye mask or black-out curtains.

Adding soft furnishings can be a great way to reduce noise, with the surfaces having an absorptive quality, but if this doesn’t work, consider embracing a soothing soundtrack to block it out.

In terms of temperature, try to keep your bedroom at 18°C. You can further reduce the risk of waking up due to overheating by ensuring that all your bedding and sleepwear is made with natural, breathable materials such as cotton and linen.

Bear in mind that everyone is different; what might work for most, may not work for you! 

Whilst knowing how much sleep you should get, how to overcome common barriers, and practicing good sleep hygiene can facilitate a great night’s sleep, if you continue to struggle with sleep or fatigue persistently, do not hesitate to visit a doctor or health professional for support.

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