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Puffy cheeks and breakouts? You could be suffering from ‘cortisol face’ – but there are 4 easy ways to fix it

STRESS can wreak havoc on our bodies, causing bloating, irregular periods and weight gain.

But it can also have a huge impact on our faces.

High levels of stress can have numerous side effects[/caption]
Jane Ollis has shared her expert insights[/caption]

If you’ve noticed your cheeks are extra puffy or you’ve got more spots than normal, stress could be to blame.

And it could be down to a surge in cortisol – a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands, that sit on top of the kidneys.

Jane Ollis, medical biochemist, environmental scientist and founder of Mindspire, said: “Cortisol is often dubbed the ‘stress hormone’ because it is released into the bloodstream when a person is stressed.

“It is like your body’s internal alarm system.

“It’s the biochemical equivalent of a morning cup of coffee, except it’s not just waking you up – it’s getting you ready to face a lion, or, in modern terms, that dreaded Monday meeting.

“Cortisol is vital for various bodily functions: it regulates metabolism, reduces inflammation, and assists with memory formulation.

“But, when it comes to chronic stress, cortisol can transform from your trusty sidekick to that annoying house guest who overstays their welcome.”

High levels of stress can result in a puffed up face and breakouts, as well as low immunity, a reduced sex drive, poor temperature regulation, anxiety, breast tenderness, mood swings and weight gain.

Thousands of posts online have joined the dots and coined the term “cortisol face” – as well as “cortisol body“.

Here, Jane dives into whether the facial phenomenon is real, and most importantly, what you can do to combat it.

The impact of high levels of cortisol

“Imagine your body’s stress response as a relentless fire drill,” Jane said.

“Just like constant alarm bells disrupt your peace, chronic activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which regulates the body’s stress response, leads to persistent cortisol secretion, disrupting bodily functions.”

These are the main side effects:

1. Immune system

“Cortisol moderates the immune system like a vigilant bouncer, preventing excessive responses,” Jane said.

“Yet prolonged high levels can render it ineffective, leaving the body vulnerable to inflammation.”

2. Pro-inflammatory cytokines.

“Elevated cortisol triggers pro-inflammatory cytokines, intensifying chronic inflammation linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders,” Jane said.

“It’s akin to managing unruly teenagers at a party — they stir up trouble that’s hard to calm.”

3. Metabolism

“Cortisol influences glucose metabolism, akin to a tempting slice of cake,” Jane said.

“Elevated levels can raise blood sugar and promote insulin resistance, exacerbating inflammation.”

Can cortisol make your face puffy?

But the real question – is ‘cortisol face’ a real thing? Jane said yes and no.

“While chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels can contribute to systemic inflammation, there’s no solid scientific evidence linking cortisol specifically to a puffy face,” she added.

“It seems ‘cortisol face’ is more of a catchy phrase than a clinical diagnosis.”

She explained that facial puffiness can be a result of various factors.

“Water retention, often caused by high sodium intake or dehydration, is a common culprit,” the expert said.

“A poor diet, particularly one high in processed foods and low in essential nutrients, can exacerbate inflammation and swelling.

“Lack of sleep disrupts the body’s fluid balance and can lead to a puffy appearance.

“Certain medical conditions, such as allergies, thyroid issues, and sinus infections, can also cause facial swelling.”

Elevated cortisol levels from chronic stress might contribute to water retention and weight gain

Jane OllieMedical biochemist

Unfortunately, stress can worsen these things.

For example, Jane said that stress-induced poor sleep and unhealthy eating habits can increase the likelihood of facial puffiness.

She added: “Elevated cortisol levels from chronic stress might contribute to water retention and weight gain, which can sometimes appear as facial swelling.

“However, blaming cortisol alone is like blaming the last slice of pizza for your entire diet, it oversimplifies the issue and ignores other significant factors.

“While cortisol plays a role in inflammation, particularly with chronic stress, the direct link to a puffy face is more fiction than fact.

“High cortisol can cause water retention and swelling, but factors like diet, allergies, and sleep quality are more likely causes of facial puffiness.”

How to tackle it

Whatever is causing your swollen cheeks, you probably want to address it.

While no single thing will solve the problem, a combination of science-backed techniques should make a difference, Jane said.

This includes:

  1. Ensuring you get enough sleep – the NHS recommends adults get between seven and nine hours a night
  2. Eating a well-balanced diet, with your five-a-day, plenty of protein and fibre, and not too many highly-processed foods
  3. Exercise – something every day, and at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity (or 75 minutes if it’s vigorous) every week
  4. Mindfulness practices – like meditation or yoga

“A well-rounded approach to stress management is essential,” she added.

“This includes adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga.

“These habits help regulate cortisol levels and reduce its effects on the body.”

Tips to relieve stress

The Stress Management Society says . . . 

STAY CONNECTED. Look after your social wellbeing by staying in touch with others. Pick up the phone, talk, and ask for help.

GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Set up a good bedtime routine and make your bedroom a tech-free zone. This will force you to switch off in this “always on” world.

PRIORITISE AND ORGANISE. Even if you work from home, try to keep work and personal space separate, create boundaries and prioritise the most important tasks for the start of the day.

EAT HEALTHILY. Reduce sugar consumption to avoid energy crashes, avoid relying on stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

SELF-CARE. Make time for things you enjoy and leave you feeling relaxed, whether it’s mindfulness, reading, a walk, sport or watching TV.

Source: stress.org.uk

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