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I’m a single mum-of-six with 11-month-old triplets – but we’re NEVER late for the school run thanks to my simple trick

A MUM-of-six has revealed how she manages to get all her kids up and ready to get out of the house for the school run.

With 11-month-old triples, as well as three older children – the single mum uses savvy tricks to make sure the kids are ready to go in the morning.

A mum has revealed how she manages to get all her kids ready for school before heading to work herself
The single mum-of-six has two older daughters, one older son and 11-month-old triplets[/caption]

She took to TikTok to share a video of her morning routine, and the parent has since gone viral. 

The mum, who goes by the name of Triplet’s Plus 3 on social media, first starts off by getting herself up and dressed, before the babies and children get up. 

Now that her triplets can feed themselves, the mum will give them their bottle of milk as soon as they wake up. 

Whilst they have their bottles, she remains in the room with them and will choose their outfits ready for when they finish their drinks. 

Once her triplets have finished their drinks, she will leave them in their separate cots and give them each a toy to play with. 

This is when she will go and help get her other children ready, whilst also making her son’s bed for him. 

Her two other girls will have already got themselves ready, so the mum will just need to do their hair, and make their beds. 

The kids then head down stairs, whilst she then gets the triplets dressed and ready. 

After that, all three babies will head downstairs and she will put them in their highchairs for breakfast. 

To occupy her 11-month-olds, she will give them a spinner toy each. 

Her kids have a dispenser for cereal, so they will all choose which cereal they want and the mum will add the milk in after. 

The triplets will have some porridge, and the mum will also add a fruit pouch into it.

Get dressed

She says: “They do love this combination, and will eat it all up.” 

The mum explained that this is a new addition to their morning routine, as they used to have their breakfast at 10am but now they have it at 8.30am as they have three solid meals a day. 

Once breakfast is done, the mum will then make sure all the dishes are cleaned. 

Now that it’s time to head out, she will make sure the kids have got their shoes and are ready to get in the car. 

First off, the mum will put the triplets in their buggies, and then get the older kids to stand by her little ones while she locks the house up and makes sure she has everything. 

How common are triplets?

According to Reproductive Facts, conceiving triplets naturally is around one in 10,000 pregnancies, and quadruplets in around one in 700,000 pregnancies.

Compared to triplets, twins are more likely to happen as they naturally occur in around one in 250 pregnancies.

She finishes off the video, by saying: “That’s us ready for our day.”

The video has received over 236K likes, with over 7,500 people rushing to the comments section to share their thoughts. 

One complimented her on her tidy house by writing: “Proof there’s no cause for dirty houses if you have children! Well done.”

Another asked: “Does the Father/s contribute and do you work? Confused as to how this situation has come about?”

They do love this combination, and will eat it all up


The mum replied: “One father, we were married and I’m not divorcing. I’ve worked my whole adult life and am still working just coming out of maternity leave and having some annual leave time off.”

A third said: “Absolute masterclass. You run a tight ship. When it’s me and my one seven-year-old it’s like the Cuban missile crisis with negotiations and brinkmanship.”

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