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I took my baby to Majorca & got black out drunk, yes I cracked my head open, being a mum doesn’t mean I can’t have fun

A YOUNG MUM has hit back at those who judged her for getting drunk on a family holiday.

The mum-of-one from the UK took to social media to hit back at the negative comments after a night of drinking in Majorca left her with a cracked head.

The mum was on holiday with her partner and son when she got drunk and smashed her head[/caption]
She hit back at trolls who judged her for getting drunk on holiday

In the clip, the mum woke up from her night of drinking in Majorca with dried blood all over her platinum blonde hair.

She said: “I got blackout drunk while on holiday with my toddler, which resulted in me cracking my head open.

“This comment seems to think that I was looking after my child while I was drunk.”

But the mum revealed she was on holiday with her partner as well, who stayed sober for the evening to look after their toddler.

The mum doubled-down on any judgement she faced adding that it was her birthday.

“Because I’m a mum doesn’t mean I can’t have a drink on my birthday and how I cracked my head open was actually walking into a brick wall, which I probably do when I’m sober anyway,” she continued.

She admitted that she had seen some scary situations of parents not watching their kids while drinking, including one girl who almost drowned if her own partner hadn’t jumped in and saved her.

However, the mum and her partner took turns to stay sober while on holiday to ensure somebody was always watching their tot.

She said: “That to me is bad parenting.”

“And it actually was the scariest thing I’ve ever witnessed.”

The clip quickly went viral with over 230k views on social media, and many took to the comments to share their thoughts.

Many mums took to the comments, telling the mum not to worry about the judgement confirming she deserved a night off as well.

One person wrote: “They wouldn’t say ANYTHING if it was the dad who got drunk.”

“Exactly that! Mums get there 1 week holiday of the year and can’t even have a cocktail,” the mum replied.

Another commented: “YESSSS!! shocking nowadays, how we have to explain ourselves! Best mum!”

“It’s exhausting being the default parent. Judgement at all corners, then our mum guilt. It isn’t a fair share of the deal we have,” penned a third.

Top Hacks for Holidaying with Kids

IF you've got plans to go on holiday with your little ones this summer, here's some advice to take on board.

Plan Ahead:

  • Book accommodations with family-friendly amenities.
  • Research kid-friendly attractions and activities.
  • Make travel arrangements that accommodate your children’s schedules.

Pack Smart:

  • Create a packing checklist to ensure you don’t forget essentials.
  • Pack a mix of familiar and new toys to keep kids entertained.
  • Bring snacks, extra clothes, and emergency supplies in your carry-on.

Travel Comfort:

  • Use neck pillows and blankets for a more comfortable journey.
  • Download movies, games, and music on tablets or phones.
  • Schedule travel during nap times or overnight to maximise sleep.

Stay Organized:

  • Use packing cubes to keep clothes and items sorted.
  • Keep important documents, like passports and tickets, in a dedicated folder.
  • Utilise apps for itinerary management and navigation.

Engage and Entertain:

  • Plan interactive activities like scavenger hunts or travel journals.
  • Explore local parks, playgrounds, and kid-friendly museums.
  • Involve kids in trip planning to get them excited and engaged.

Maintain Routine:

  • Stick to regular meal and sleep times as much as possible.
  • Bring along comfort items, like favorite blankets or stuffed animals.
  • Allow for downtime to avoid overstimulation.

Stay Flexible:

  • Be prepared to adjust plans based on your children’s needs and moods.
  • Embrace the unexpected and make the most of impromptu moments.
  • Keep a positive attitude to set the tone for a fun and memorable trip.

These hacks can help make your holiday with kids smoother, more enjoyable, and will ensure that you return home with wonderful memories!

Meanwhile a fourth said: “Nothing you are still entitled to enjoy yourself as long as your bab is looked after don’t let anyone tell you any different.”

“Girl you don’t need to explain anything, your baby was safe and was being looked after and that’s all that matters!” claimed a fifth.

Someone else added: “OMG you’re on holiday too many people have opinions about someone else’s life. Have that drink girl.”

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