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I spent £5,000 on Turkey Teeth, but weeks later I destroyed them in a Lidl pie

A SHOPPER has been left stewing — after a Lidl steak and gravy pie wrecked his new £5,000 gnashers.

Ricky McConnell, 61, told how he bit into a bone “the size of a pinky nail” — breaking two of his twinkling pearly whites.

Andrew Barr
Ricky McConnell’s teeth were fractured after he bit into a Lidl pie.[/caption]
Andrew Barr
The steak and gravy pie[/caption]

The stunned charity worker had been tucking into the meat dish bought at the store in Springburn, Glasgow.

He recalled: “All of a sudden I hear ‘crunch’. I’m like, ‘Oh my God – I broke my teeth’.”

Dentist-approved teeth whitening tips

ERIN Fraundorf, DMD, MSD, owner of BOCA Orthodontic + Whitening Studio in Missouri, shared her top tips for whiter teeth.

Seek whitening treatment from a professional. It’s often stronger and will be the most effective so you don’t waste your money on a product that doesn’t work or may harm you.  You also only get one set of teeth, so it’s best not to experiment on them.  

Consider the cause of the staining. There are numerous causes for teeth to have a yellow or brown tint.  Be sure to get evaluated and diagnosed by a professional to ensure you receive the best treatment for your stains. Not all stains are the same so they may require different treatments.

Consider your lifestyle, smile goals, and budget. When choosing a whitening treatment that is best for you, consider multiple factors when designing a custom plan. Some people like homework to whiten at home, some prefer in-office treatments only, some need to get really bright really fast — for a wedding, for example — whereas others would like a more gentle, gradual, consistent approach to whitening.

Ease into it. Start integrating teeth whitening into your routine gradually to get your teeth accustomed to it and you can closely monitor your level of sensitivity to regulate how frequently you can whiten.

Try to prevent. Make tiny changes to your lifestyle in an effort to prevent staining from penetrating your teeth.  For example, sip staining beverages through a straw, swish with plain water after drinking anything staining, and pick flat water over sparkling whenever possible.

Water floss to help in between the teeth stains. Blast away stubborn stains in between your teeth with a water flosser, because toothbrush bristles can only reach so much of your tooth surface.

Shocked Ricky complained to store bosses about the steak and gravy pie incident. He said: “They told me we’ve sold over a million of those pies and we’ve only had two complaints.”

Cursing his luck, Ricky added: “I’ve got more chance of winning the lottery.”

He had travelled to Antalya, Turkey, just weeks earlier to get the brand-new teeth.

But he now faces forking out £8,314 on another trip to get a replacement set.

Ricky said: “I wanted better-looking teeth and a better smile. The only way you get them repaired is to get new ones in, because it’s one unit.”

He has now threatened the retail chain with legal action.

What are veneers?

Veneers are a predominately cosmetic procedure used to improve the look of your teeth, getting rid of chips, stains or misaligned teeth

Although veneers weren’t designed to be a permanent fix, they can now last up to 25 years with proper care.Made of porcelain, veneers cover only the front surface of the tooth – they will mimic the size, shape and colour of your teeth.

How long do veneers last?

According to Revitalise Dental Centre, the permanent style of veneers are expected to last between 10 to 15 years.

They say: “You will need to look after them the same way you would with your natural teeth, with one exception.

“It’s important to use non-abrasive toothpaste as this can damage the veneers. You should continue to brush your teeth twice a day, including daily flossing.”

Last night, a Lidl spokeswoman said: “Following contact from the customer, the matter was escalated to our Quality Assurance team who investigated with the supplier.

“We pride ourselves on having thorough procedures to ensure our products are of the highest possible quality.

“While great care is taken to remove all bones, it is possible for small pieces to remain.

“For this reason, the packaging includes a clear warning.”

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