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Fate of Emmerdale couple revealed after shock snog despite blazing rows and baby heartache

THE fate of an Emmerdale couples has been revealed after they appeared to reunite against all odds.

Dr. Liam Cavanagh was left furious with Ella Forster when he discovered her deadly secret a number of weeks ago.

The fate of one Emmerdale couple has been revealed[/caption]
Liam and Ella have had a rollercoaster romance[/caption]

Despite having a passion-fuelled romance, the doctor instantly called things off with his new love when he discovered she was a child killer.

He could not bare the sight of her and was left absolutely raging when he discovered that she had returned to the Dales after initially fleeing.

Mandy Dingle took her in and gave her a place to stay after discovering that she was pregnant.

Liam could not believe it when he learned that the murdered was carrying his baby and he refused to have anything to do with it.

Amid Ella’s many lies, he even questioned if it was a real baby or he was the father at all.

Eventually, he said he would support the child financially but the exes were hit with a bombshell when it was revealed that there was no baby.

In a sad twist, Ella suffered a silent miscarriage which deeply affected both her and Liam.

They eventually agreed to talk things out with one another and in a moment that nobody saw coming, Liam planted a kiss on Ella as they reignited their spark once more.

During the latest episode, it was clear that Liam was battling with his feelings after Ella appeared to suggest they had rekindled their love after their steamy smooch.

As she left his house the next day, Ella said to Liam: “Now, we can start over from scratch.”

Puzzled and panicked, Liam asked: “Oh, you wanna start over?”

Ella replied: “Of course! I’ll see you later!”

The disgust was written all over Liam’s face as he seemed appalled by the thought of having to romance the killer once again.

However, the hapless doctor opted to buy her some flowers and tell her what he thought she wanted to hear after feeling guilty over messing her about.

Most complained about soap storylines

Over the years, all three of the main soaps have featured plots that have had even die-hard fans reaching for their phones and laptops so they can get in touch with Ofcom and complain. Here are just some of the most scandalous…

  • EastEnders baby theft: 13,400 Ofcom complaints – Back in 2011, EastEnders was flooded with complaints when Ronnie Branning (RIP) swapped her baby for the dead son of Kat Moon. The storyline drew the most number of objections in the soap’s long history and saw it roundly criticised by campaigners – with 13,400 flying in over the course of the storyline. Some viewers called it “distressing” and “horrific” but Ofcom ruled the scenes were not “unduly disturbing”.
  • Emmerdale dog-napping: 550 Ofcom complaints – Back in 2016, Ross Barton and Charity Dingle came up with a plan to steal a dog and hold it ransom – but viewers didn’t like it one bit. The nation’s pet owners rose up, insisting the storyline would encourage copycats (not to mention copydogs). Complaints over two episodes totalled a staggering 550 and soap writers quickly learnt you don’t mess with animal-lovers.
  • Coronation Street double murder: 546 Ofcom complaints – Marginally less people complained about a gruesome double murder than objected to a dog-napping plot when Pat Phelan was at the centre of a spate of killings. First he forced Andy Carver to shoot dead Vinny Ashford – and then Pat killed Andy. All the bloodshed back in 2017 proved to be too much for some viewers, who lodged complaints in vast numbers about the “violent scenes”.
  • Expecting Ella to be loved up, he was stunned as she ranted at him and launched into a furious tirade.

    Insisting she was on about just being friends again, Ella lost her rag with Liam as she said his fake declaration of love proved that he was being insincere.

    Ella asked him about the mix-up as she said: “Why didn’t you just set me straight?”

    Liam said: “I’d messed you around so badly, been so cruel, unforgivably so.”

    “So you decided to date me out of guilt?,” Ella answered back.

    The couple continued to clash before Ella told Liam to leave as she was left furious at his antics.

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