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Awkward moment loved-up Scot accidentally ‘proposes’ on beach – and her girlfriend’s reaction says it all

THIS is the awkward moment a loved-up Scot tripped in front of her girlfriend and accidentally “popped the question”.

But Lucy Morgan, of Glasgow, got a very sweet memento from her clumsy fall as her camera caught partner Bella Vanderlinde’s delighted reaction to the ‘proposal’.

Lucy Morgan was trying to take a picture and accidentally ‘proposed’
Hilariously she caught the gaff on camera – leaving girlfriend Bella surprised
The loved up pair have been together for seven months[/caption]

The friends-turned-sweethearts had been dating between New York, where Bella lives, and Scotland for seven months after two years of an online friendship which started on TikTok.

They had been enjoying a day trip to the Hamptons on July 2 when they wanted to snap a picture at the beach with the stunning sunset in the background.

But when Lucy, 20, hit the timer on her phone, she turned around too quickly and stumbled to her knee.

Shocked Bella, 19, looked surprised – but happy – as she put her hand to her mouth at Lucy’s ‘stunt’ – and her happy reaction was captured on camera.

Student Lucy told the Scottish Sun Online she hadn’t intended to propose – but she was happy she got the reaction she did after their video went viral on the platform that sparked their relationship.

She said: “We set up a nice shot of a sunset for a cute video and I tripped and fell into this unfortunate position – I’m glad I caught it.

“But of all the videos I have posted online, this was the last one that I expected to have gone viral. I only shared it because I knew our friends and family would see the funny side.

“I had no idea it would get the reaction it did.”

The clip has been viewed over 1.6million times and liked 365k times since Lucy posted it last month.

Commenters loved the blunder and rushed to Lucy’s comments to gush over Bella’s reaction.

One wrote: “This is the cutest yet funniest thing I watched today.”

Another said: “Even she didn’t expect it!”

A third added: “Imagine this with a crowd of people watching!”

“Imagine if you just went with it and said welp I guess we are getting married now”, chimed in a fourth.

A fifth gushed: “Oh she was ready to say yes.”

Meanwhile, a sixth echoed: “STOPPP I would’ve immediately proposed the next day. She looked very happy.”

And it is only right they received such a fabulous reaction as TikTok was where the happy couple fell in love.

Lucy continued: “Bella has a huge social media presence, well over 100k followers.

Lucy said she was happy to capture the reaction
The video went viral after they shared the clip to TikTok

“She came up on my FYP around two years ago but was living in California and after a while I thought about sending her a message on Instagram, not thinking anything of it, I slide into her DMs.

“We became friends online and seven months ago we met up in New York when she moved there for work – we weren’t in a relationship then but I ended up taking my family too, and we got together.

“Since then, she’s been to Scotland a few times, we’ve been to Ibiza where my parents live and I’ve been to New York.”

Their accidental proposal was even shown on Good Morning America – the most popular TV show across the States- with punters recognising her on the street in NYC.

She added: “We’ve actually been recognised from TikTok in New York by a few people who follow us – I was all over prime time TV but nobody knows anything about this in Glasgow!”

The pair enjoy going on TikTok lives together when they are apart – and since going viral after the “proposal”, their number one question is if they are engaged and what the plans for the future are.

Lucy laughed: “I graduate next year – then we are going to move back to California and live together.

“We are only 19 and 20 so we are too young to get married – but it’s good to know that’s the reaction I would get if I asked her.”

The couple met on TikTok[/caption]
They aim to move to California when Lucy finishes University[/caption]

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