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Five bombshell moments from Lauryn Goodman and Kyle Walker court showdown – from explosive text to cruel threats

KYLE Walker’s court showdown with ex mistress Lauryn Goodman was filled with bombshell revelations from her huge financial demands to a cruel text to his wife. 

They include her outrageous shopping list, her threats and a shocking text to his pregnant wife Annie to reveal he had had a second child with her.

Lauryn has been slammed by a judge for her outrageous demands[/caption]
Kyle meanwhile was praised for his “grace, generosity and kindness”[/caption]

The footballer even had his own bombshell midway through the hearing as we can reveal he only found out boss Gareth Southgate was resigning when the news was made public.

Goodman had taken to Walker to court herself just days after England‘s crushing Euros defeat to Spain.

She made a string of outrageous demands – claiming she needed the goods for “childcare” for their two children.

But her wild shopping list has now been exposed – along with a string of other bizarre moments from the case.

Here are the five most explosive pieces of evidence…

1. Lauryn’s shocking text to Kyle’s pregnant wife Annie

On 27th December 2023, Lauryn texted Annie saying: “Hey its Lauryn I just wanted to quickly tell you that Kyle is the father of our daughter”.

Judge Hess said this was “intended to, and did, cause distress to the father’s wife”.

Lauryn said during her evidence: “I wanted to sort things out so all the boys could have a relationship. If we could sort it out maybe we could move forward. We had a normal conversation. That’s how I felt.”

She added: “I was at the point where I was losing weight. I wasn’t eating. It was horrendous.”

Nicola Saxton KC, for Walker, told her: “You acted in anger.”

2. Threats to move close to his family home and having Kyle “over a barrel”

Judge Hess pointed out that Goodman would hint that she would go public on the paternity of her child if she didn’t get what she wanted, and also threatened to move “a stone’s throw away from the father’s family home in Cheshire, an idea which she knew horrified the father”.

She instead got a £2.4million property in Sussex. Kyle told the court: “I feel like in all this I have been more than generous. 

“I feel that the house that Lauryn has got is far too much but that was something that she wanted, and for her not saying anything to the world or the media or to Annie. 

“That’s why I bought her it.”

He said earlier in his evidence: “The three conditions Lauryn gave me was to buy a house, sort the money out, and not to have another child with Annie.”

Explaining why he paid £8,000 for a holiday for Lauryn and Kairo to go to Mexico, he explained: “I’m not going to say I was over a barrel or someone had a gun to my head, but she had a detonator. For me, it was about keeping the peace so my wife doesn’t find out.”

3. Lauryn ‘spying’ with neighbour

Lauryn had become close with Mr Walker’s neighbour Jasmine and wanted to be kept updated on him and his family. She claimed it was because she “heard on the grape vine” that they were going to be applying for an order, but had little evidence to back this up. 

In August 2022 she messaged Jasmine, asking her to film them in the garden. 

Jasmine replied: “You can’t record someone without their permission.”

Lauryn insisted: “Not to sell you donut. You can leave your phone recording in your garden.”

Ms Saxton told her: “You’re spying on them aren’t you? And wanting to know what they’re doing.”

She hit back: “No but I do feel like you guys spy on me on what I’m doing on my social media.”

Another shocking text shown to the court heard Lauryn write: “Wait until they argue. Get some letters together. Ready to finish them.”

Judge Hess ruled: “She had in mind causing irreparable damage to the father’s marriage.”

4. Lauryn’s huge demands – and dig at Walker’s Euros final loss

Among the list of extraordinary demands was £70,000 for a Mercedes GLE, £30,000 for air conditioning and £31,200 for an astro turf pitch. 

She insisted the Mercedes GLE was a good family car, said she needed air con because her house gets hot, and even suggested the astro turf pitch was an essential because one-year-old Kinara might become a footballer. 

Asked by Judge Hess if that was a bit of a jump, she replied: “Never say never. The Lionesses are better than the Lions anyway”. 

That quip in front of Walker was just two days after England lost out to Spain in the Euros final. 

Kyle repeatedly insisted her demands were disproportionate. He said: “She’s receiving a hell of a lot of money.

“The money I’m giving them quite happily. It’s a contribution for me not being there physically, but I think some of the things you are asking for are disproportionate.

“Lauryn wants to make it a showhome rather than a family home. She should manage her money better.”

Instead of splurging £30,000 on air con, he suggested: “You could go to Currys and get a fan.”

And when asked about paying £30,000 to buy the nanny a car, he said: “I’d hire a nanny who has a car.”

He added: “I don’t know how many people you would like me to pay for. The nanny? Lauryn? I will pay for my children. Does she want a chef?”

5. Kyle’s huge wealth

The judge pointed out that Lauryn “did not appear to plan to move to any employed work. but would wish to develop her life as ‘a celebrity‘.

She was only worth £10,000 once her £81,000 debts were taken into account, compared to Kyle who was worth more than £26million. 

This huge sum included nearly £5million in the bank, £9.5million in investments and £1.2million worth of watches and cars. 

The Sun can reveal his car collection includes a Range Rover worth £160,000, an Audi worth £100,000, a Mercedes worth £8,000 and a G-Wagon Annie owns which they pay £2,000 a month for. 

But he insisted he should not be used as an “open-cheque book”, telling the court: “Let’s not be like because I earn the amount I earn, which I have done off my own back from football, that you can just spend my money and have an open cheque book.

“If I was a painter or decorator I can guarantee this would not have gone this far. It couldn’t have gone this far, I wouldn’t be able to afford it.”

Lauryn, who is earning around £15,000 to go on Celebs Go Dating, has no other source of income other than the C4 show and blog payments. 

She said she gets between £600-£800 a month for her blog posts, and the figure has never gone past £1,200 a month.

Eamonn and James Clarke
Kyle with his wife Annie Kilner[/caption]

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