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Brit parents reveal their biggest summer holiday bugbears – including huge queues & invasive wasps

THE biggest summer daytrip bugbears include greedy seagulls, sandy sandwiches and invasive wasps buzzing around picnics.

A poll, of 1,000 parents of school-age children, found other annoyances include getting stuck in traffic in hot weather, carrying around heavy cool-boxes and having to stand in long queues.

Many parents said long traffic in the heat is a major summer bugbear[/caption]

As a result, 32 per cent would prefer to spend more time at home during the holidays – to properly relax.

And while 47 per cent feel pressure from social media to plan action-packed trips, 79 per cent see time at home as a great way to reconnect with their kids after a frenzied year of schooling.

A spokesperson at DFS, which commissioned the research, said: “Getting out and about can be exciting, but there is nothing wrong with staying home – in fact, going all out indoors can be just as fun and is sometimes necessary with the great British weather.

“Day trips with the kids can be a great way to relax and explore, but they often come with certain frustrations which is something we’ve seen through the research.

“Staying at home can also come with a sense of guilt for parents, but it shouldn’t.

“Despite there being mounting pressures from the likes of social media and other fellow mums and dads, activities at home and a bit of time spent on the sofa might be just what you and your children need.”

The study also found 45 per cent claim some of their favourite days are spent with their kids in the comfort of their own abode.

It helps 33 per cent keep their day stress-free, while 14 per cent like hosting play dates for their kids’ friends.

And 24 per cent value getting to put their feet up on the sofa for a little while.

What’s more, 42 per cent reckon their children prefer being at home during the school holidays because there is no schedule for them to follow.

A further 42 per cent think having access to their own belongings, such as tablets and game consoles, is the main appeal, while 35 per cent enjoy the morning lie-in.

Nearly a fifth (18 per cent) are most likely to find their child relaxing in their bedroom, but 17 per cent would typically find them playing in the garden.

The benefits parents have noticed from their child spending time at home during the summer include stronger family bonds (41 per cent), and generally being happier and more relaxed (48 per cent).

While the OnePoll.com data shows 76 per cent believe spending time at home with their child during the six-weeks helps to develop their creativity and imagination.

The average mum or dad will spend three hours planning or supervising activities – with baking, watching TV, and enjoying board games or puzzles cited as the things their child most enjoys.

Although 58 per cent feel it is important that the summer activities they take part in are educational.

But despite 25 per cent taking their child to organised events several times a week, 46 per cent of working parents find it difficult to balance their job with keeping their offspring entertained.

The spokesperson for DFS, which is launching its summer sofa selfie competition this week, added: “The summer holidays can feel like a lifetime for some parents – especially if you need to juggle work as well.

“While there are lots of great activities children can take part in, staying at home offers numerous benefits, from cost savings and comfort to personal growth and quality family time.

“It provides a chance to relax, pursue personal interests, and enjoy the local community, all while avoiding the stress and expenses associated with travel.

“To be in with a chance of winning your dream sofa, simply share a picture of your summer sofa moment tagging @dfs and #DFSSummer on Instagram.”


According to research by DFS, here's the top 20 summer bugbears, according to Brit parents

1. Expensive entry fees for attractions
Long queues (for attractions or rides/ fish and chip shop etc.)
Sudden changes in weather (e.g., unexpected rain)
Not being able to find anywhere to park
Getting stuck in traffic during blazing heat
Wasps buzzing around picnics
Finding clean and accessible toilets
Overpriced ice creams
Nowhere to sit down
Sand getting everywhere
Car issues including a flat tire or breakdown
Having to lug around heavy picnic stuff/cool boxes
Limited or no shade on hot days
Realising when you get there you’ve forgotten something
Kids getting bored during the drive
Getting lost/missing a turning off a motorway
Greedy seagulls
Sand in your sandwiches
Kids wanting novelty gifts and sticks of rock

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