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Urgent warning for parents who have just DAYS left to claim up to £160 free cash for school uniform

SCHOOL uniform costs can add up, but parents struggling with the cost of living can get up to £160 free cash – however, you’ll need to apply within the next few days.

In England, the scheme is called the school uniform grant and means money can be put toward the cost of your child’s school uniform in the form of a non-repayable grant.

The cost of school uniform can add up – but there is help at hand[/caption]

Many local councils provide families with grants to cover the cost of skirts, trousers and more, but some have application deadlines which are fast approaching.

Who’s eligible for a school uniform grant?

In England, those who receive benefits such as Universal Credit could be entitled to the pay out, if their council offers it.

Typically, those who qualify for means-tested free school meals – even if they don’t actually get them – are eligible.

You need to be receiving benefits such as child tax credit or universal credit – but the exact criteria for free school meals varies slightly nationwide.

Some local authorities have set their own school uniform grant eligibility in addition, with extra requirements.

For example, your child might need to be in a specific year group, or transitioning from primary to secondary school to qualify.

When are the application deadlines?

All local authorities in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales offer a school uniform grant – but in England, it’s a postcode lottery

The City of London council is offering £160 online via the council’s website if you apply by 31 July 2024 – that’s in two day’s time.

Hackney council is offering £100 online via the council’s website and whilst the deadline was 30 June 2024, currently the council is accepting late applications.

Southwark council is offering £45 by email using form on the council’s website by 11 August 2024.

Tower Hamlets council is offering £125 online via the council’s website
30 September 2024.

Extra help with school uniform costs

If you can’t get targeted help from your council, you might have some other options available to you.

There are retailers that sell discounted items or offer swap schemes for parents.

For example, Uniformerly is a website that allows parents and schools to buy and sell outgrown school uniform.

It also encourages families to be more sustainable by recycling old, unwanted clothes and purchasing secondhand.

It’s free to use and parents can list items for free – there are no selling fees.

Families who are struggling with high prices can then purchase items secondhand.

In some areas you can talk directly to your school who might be able to offer you clothing.

Or, you might be able to get cheap garments from low-budget shops or charity stores.

Some charities offer help to families in need too.

For example, in Camden, London, residents can apply for help through the St Pancras Welfare Trust, Glasspool or London Ragamuffins.

But bear in mind charities often have a limited amount of money to give and usually have specific criteria which must be met in order to get a grant.

Charity Turn2Us has a free grants search tool on its website which you can use to find out what help is available to you.

Meanwhile, you can always try approaching your nearest Citizens’ Advice branch.

If you don’t know where your nearest Citizens’ Advice branch is, you can use the branch locator on its website.

If you’re not eligible for a school uniform grant you might be able to get help through the Household Support Fund.

The fund is worth £842million and is distributed by councils in England.

But each local authority has been given a unique share of the pot meaning what you can get depends on where you live.

The money is being shared between households in different ways, either through vouchers or cash payments.

While the help isn’t always specifically allocated to spend on school uniforms, you can use it towards that if you want.

To apply you’ll have to contact your local council.

If you don’t know which one you fall under you can use the Government’s council locator tool online.

How can I save money on school uniforms?

IF you are struggling to afford the cost of school uniform or PE kit, you may be able to apply for a grant from your local council - but the criteria vary from council to council.

This is usually in the form of a one-off payment paid directly into your bank account. Some councils will reimburse payments made to approved retailers.

You can ask your local council what help is available and when you need to apply.

If you can’t get targeted help from your council, there are other options to get cheap uniform.

Speak to your school to see if they can offer you some clothing.

Some charities offer help to families in need too. Charity Turn2Us has a free grants search tool on its website which you can use to find out what help is available to you.

Charity shops can also be a good place to find cheap school uniform.

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