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Struggling households can get free cash vouchers worth up to £740 to cover food, fuel, clothes and furniture

STRUGGLING households can get free cash vouchers worth up to £740 to cover essentials including food and fuel.

Around 1,400 people in Plymouth, Devon, will receive the financial help that’s given out as part of the Household Support Fund (HSF).

Struggling residents can get financial help under the Household Support Fund[/caption]

The HSF aims to help low-income households who can use the money to pay for their shopping, bills, or essentials such as clothing and hygiene products.

It was first introduced by the Government in 2021 and since then, it has been extended several times.

Funding is given out to local councils to distribute to those most in need in their area, so the support available varies across the country and what you can get depends on where you live.

Plymouth City Council said eligible residents who apply for the HSF can receive a maximum of £740 in vouchers.

This includes:

  • £240 in supermarket vouchers for either Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury, Aldi, or Iceland
  • £200 in energy vouchers
  • An essential item of household furniture or white goods or £300 of clothing vouchers

The council said the value of food and fuel vouchers increased in July, taking into account the increased cost of living.

Struggling households can only apply for this fund if they didn’t receive support in previous rounds of the HSF, between November 9, 2023, and July 15, 2024.

The council said only one application can be made per household and vouchers are only for residents living in Plymouth.

To apply for the financial support, residents must also fall into one of the eligible categories:

  • Households with at least one child under 18 who resides in the property on a permanent basis
  • Households where someone has a disability or a long-term health condition
  • Households where someone has reached pension age
  • Households with a single occupant receiving help with housing costs.

Applications for the most recent round of HSF have now closed as the maximum number of applicants has been reached, Plymouth City Council told The Sun.

It added the vouchers are distributed by Citizens Advice Plymouth.

The council said are typically processed within eight weeks and those who receive vouchers are also given further advice services.

Residents can also get access to different forms of funding including food support.

Families with children who are eligible for free school meals will receive food vouchers during the school holidays, including the summer break.

Plymouth Foodbank can also help households with food or top-up energy vouchers in an emergency – but residents need to be referred to it.

Other help available to residents includes employment and mental health support.

How has the Household Support Fund evolved?

THE Household Support Fund was first launched in October 2021 to help Brits pay their way through winter amid the cost of living crisis.

Councils up and down the country got a slice of the £500million funding available to dish out to Brits in need.

It was then extended for a second time in the 2022 Spring Budget and for a third time in October 2022 to help those on the lowest incomes with the rising cost of living.

The DWP then confirmed a fourth extension of the scheme through to March 31, 2024.

Former chancellor Jeremy Hunt extended the HSF for the fifth time while delivering his Spring Budget on March 6, 2024.

What is the Household Support Fund?

The HSF was first introduced in October 2021 and has been extended five times.

The latest round of funding is worth £421 million to councils in England so that they could help struggling household.

Who qualifies is a postcode lottery too, as each local authority can set its own eligibility criteria.

However, if you have a limited amount of money or savings in the bank, are classed as vulnerable or are on benefits, you will likely qualify for help.

The HSF was recently extended in the Government’s Spring Budget until September and some councils have already opened for applications.

For example, Medway Council in Kent, South-East England, is offering thousands of households supermarket vouchers worth up to £225.

Some could qualify for electronic energy cards or e-vouchers to cover water bills worth £100 too.

In Cambridgeshire, residents in need of support can apply for a financial award of £110 per household.

Even better, residents can apply twice for support between 1 April and September 30 this year, meaning each household could be in line to receive as much as £220.

The funds can be paid in a lump sum of £110 into your bank account, or split between different types of vouchers.

You should get in touch with your local council to see if you might be eligible for help.

You can find what council area you fall under by using the Government‘s council locator tool on its website.

The help you can get varies depending on who your local council is, as well as your personal situation.

But you may be able to get free cash and vouchers to help pay for things like heating your home or cover the costs of your weekly grocery shop.

If an applicant is already receiving benefits, these will not be affected by the HSF.

And you don’t need to be getting benefits to receive vouchers or funds from the HSF.

Check with your local council to find out what support is available and the eligibility criteria.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

Plus, you can join our Sun Money Chats and Tips Facebook group to share your tips and stories

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