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I’m a Facebook Marketplace guru – I’ve made £17k flogging other people’s rubbish, my tips will make you rich

A SELF-PROCLAIMED “guru” of Facebook Marketplace has revealed how she’s made a fortune selling second-hand items.

As a little girl, Ruth Chipperfield, 34, used to always collect other people’s rubbish – from yoghurt pots to chocolate bar foils.

Jam Press/Ruth Mary Jewellery
It has been one of her hobbies since childhood[/caption]
Jam Press Vid/Ruth Mary Jeweller
She decided to start selling on Facebook Marketplace after giving things away for free to loved ones[/caption]
Jam Press/Ruth Mary Jewellery
She also roots through skips to find unwanted things she can sell[/caption]

And it’s a hobby she’s carried through into adult life; earning her £400 in less than 24 hours and over £17,000 in total.

Now, she spends her days trawling through Facebook Marketplace, snapping up bargain finds, to either spruce up and re-sell, or turn them into something completely brand new.

“It makes me feel like a kid in a sweet shop when I spot a great find,” the goldsmith and fine jewellery designer, from Birmingham, said.

“I never thought my ‘magpie’ hobby would become such a money-maker.

“But you know what they say: ‘One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.’

“I’ve used the extra cash to boost my jewellery business, and sometimes, to pay off household bills.

“When my son came along, this came in really handy.

“I always keep my eyes peeled for any pieces of valuable junk, especially in unlikely places, such as skips.

“I’ve even sold gifts by accident, such as a marble plant pot my husband bought me – luckily he saw the funny side.”

Ruth started her hobby after amassing a collection of leftover fabrics and materials due to her love for all things crafty.

She used to give items away to friends and family but then decided to make some quick cash instead.

As her sales grew, so did her hunger for more, and the mum began flogging her second-hand furniture in order to get her fix.

Ruth then had the savvy idea of taking apart her old pieces of jewellery and selling the individual parts for a couple of pounds each, leaving her hundreds better off.

Soon, though, she had run out of items to sell – where she turned her skill of seeing the potential in other people’s junk into a lucrative side hustle.

Now, she’s made over £17,000 in turnover, including £400 from old factory bobbins, £240 from pearls, sapphire gems for £180 and burrs for £600.

She’s also sold some drawers, which she bought 14 of from eBay for £150, kept five and sold nine for £35 each – making £315 in total.

And it’s helped in her career, too, with her business, Ruth Mary Jewellery, using one-of-a-kind tools, such as from a goldsmith who worked on the crown jewels, which she snapped up broken and repaired herself.

Now, she’s sharing her savvy money-maker journey to encourage others to do the same – but there are a few important things to remember.

Ruth added: “Take photos where you can see the items you’re selling at different angles – it’s good to have at least three.

“Accept the fact there will be no-shows and time wasters – don’t get upset about it.

Ruth Chipperfield

“Always write a decent description in a way that makes you sound human and also gives the viewer a sense of why you’re selling the item.

“For example: ‘I’m selling these pearls as I’ve got way more than I’m ever going to actually get around to using.’

“Offer postage wherever possible and send items tracked. I send everything this way unless it’s under £20.

“If you’ve got several listings, then let people know you’ve more similar items for sale, too.

“Accept the fact there will be no-shows and time wasters – don’t get upset about it.

“Buy stuff you know about and if you’re being given stuff for free, make sure the person knows that’s what you’re planning on doing with it.

“It’s not cool when generous people gift things for free to local groups thinking you’re in need, only to see it appear for sale the next day.

“And finally; there’s no harm in asking.

“I sometimes ask jewellers at the end of their career if they have any tools they no longer want.

“Often, they can’t be bothered listing them online, so I do a deal and split the money with them.”

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