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I paid £245 for my neighbour to water my plants while I was on holiday – I was shocked at what I came back to

GOING away on holiday is great, but it can be disastrous for your plants if you aren’t watering them in summer.

One woman decided to get round the issue by paying a neighbour to help, but it didn’t end well.

A woman was shocked after paying a neighbour £245 to water her plants, and she returned to dead petunias

She revealed how she paid a staggering $315 (£245) for him to look after her garden when she was on holiday.

However, despite the large payment, he seems to have neglected his duties, leaving some of her flowers in a sad state.

TikTok user @our1972manuhome shared: “POV you paid your neighbour $315 to water your garden while you’re on vacation.

“… and he said ‘don’t worry about it! Enjoy your vacation!’”

She then posted a crying emoji as she showed her “poor petunias”.

In the clip she showed her hanging baskets which looked very dead and in great need of TLC.

Thankfully the rest of her garden looked in full bloom, so he only appears to have neglected a section of the outdoor space.

People were quick to comment on the garden mishap, with one saying: “We should be neighbours. I’d have done it for free.”

Another added: “In his defence you said water the garden, not the hanging baskets.”

And a third commented: “Never pay them until you get back. It’s not even distrust it’s the way it is and should be.”

Now that the kids have broken up for summer holidays, parents will be looking forward to taking their kids away for a well deserved break.

And most homeowners would often rely on their neighbour to look out for the safety of their house whilst they are away. 

But one mum has revealed how she simply can’t as her neighbour ‘borrows’ her garden every time she goes on holiday – she even wants to host her son’s birthday party there.

The parent decided to take to online forum Mumsnet to share her disappointment as she believed her neighbour had been secretly using her garden without her permission.

All her hanging baskets were in need of TLC

It all started back in summer 2022 where the homeowner, who goes by the name of grandmabrown, suspected that someone had been using their garden whilst they were out.

She says: “Things began to move and on occasions the hot tub appeared.

“We didn’t think too much of it to be honest, with teenage children (who denied using it) things do often move and we were busy so didn’t give it too much thought. 

“Looking back now though that is when things started happening.”

But earlier this year, the family went away and upon their return a friend mentioned to her that they heard noises coming from their back garden. 

She said having knocked on the door, and nobody answering she decided to go through the side gate instead assuming that they were in due to the noise.

Thankfully the neighbour did water the rest of the garden

Grandmabrown continued: “They were greeted by a family, using our hot tub and garden, who told her we had gone to X location and would be back on X date (both details correct), they were watching the house for us. 

“When we got back we were baffled, asked around, nobody knew anything. We are part of a neighbourhood watch Whatsapp group. 

“We all keep an eye on each other’s cars and houses when away and update one another if we see anyone acting strange hanging round or any crime.

“We asked this group and nobody had seen anything but one of the group members helped my husband to install security cameras and a ring doorbell and nothing has happened since.”

The Top Five Reasons Neighbours Squabble

One study by Compare the Market revealed the top reason British neighbour's argue

  1. Broken fences – top of the board was broken fences and whose responsibility it was to fix it
  2. Parking: one of the leading drivers of neighbour disputes, with 54.1 per cent of people having issues with people parking in front of their house, parking bay or driveway
  3. Trees – complaints about a neighbour’s tree cracking your garden path was also common with nearly half of participants finding it frustrating
  4. Bin wars – outdoor bin etiquette continues to ignite the most furious debates between neighbours
  5. Nosy Neighbours – some people have their eyes and ears at the ready to have a peek causing problems for others

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