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My husband named our son after his favourite video game but I wasn’t a fan – people say ‘poor kid’ when they hear it

A MUM has shared how her husband named their son after a character in his favourite video game and she “wasn’t the biggest fan.”

After revealing the unusual moniker online, many people have said she should have put her foot down and said “poor kid” of the son stuck with the name. 

A woman shared how she isn’t the biggest fan of her son’s name, which her husband chose[/caption]
Not known, clear with picture desk
Their son is called Linkyn – and named after Link from The Legends of Zelda video game[/caption]

Taking to Reddit, the mum shared: “My son’s name is Linkyn.

“So my husband bears full responsibility for this one. 

“He is a big gamer and LOVES the legend of Zelda. He is also Welsh. 

“He wanted to name our son Link after the MC in the legend of Zelda games. 

“I wasn’t the biggest fan, but compromised on Lincoln. 

“He wanted it spelled so that ‘Link’ was still part of his name, and the y is a nod to his Welsh heritage. 

“The spelling has grown on me over the years, but I still kind of wish we had just spelled it the traditional way.”

Referring to the “Tragedeigh” Reddit sub-section for tragic names that have been “deliberately misspelt or completely made up to appear more unique than it actually is”, she asked: “So tell me, is Linkyn a tragedeigh?”

People didn’t hold back with their thoughts on the unusual name.

One wrote: “Yes, sorry, it is a tragedeigh”, and another replied: “A pretty bad one to, in my opinion. Oof.”

And one Reddit user commented: “If you have to ask…. Yes this is absolutely the very definition of tragedeigh.”

Some said she should have overruled her husband with the name choice.

One said: “Sorry, no. It’s also your kid and you could’ve – no, SHOULD’VE vetoed the name.”

Someone agreed: “Poor kid.”

Are Unique Baby Names Worth The Hassle?

Fabulous' Deputy Editor reveals the turmoil she faced with her own name while growing up.

When I was a child, all I wanted was one of those personalised keyrings with my name on it.

But no joy, the closest I could find was Rosie, Joseph (not great for a little girl) and Joanne.

Josie is short for Josephine, which is a French name, and I managed to reach my 20s without ever meeting anyone who shared it.

When I try to introduce myself to people, I get all sorts of random things – like Tracey and Stacey – which can be pretty annoying.

Although I have come into contact with a couple of Josies over the last year – there seems to be a few of us around my age – it’s still a much rarer name than most of my friends have.

On the whole I don’t mind it, at least it’s not rude or crazily spelt.

And it means I can get away with ‘doing a Cheryl’ and just referring to myself as Josie.

I’m getting married this year and some friends are shocked that I’m changing my surname, as it’s not seen as very cool or feminist to do so these days, but I explain to them that I’m not that attached to Griffiths as I’d always just say ‘hi it’s Josie’ when ringing a mate up.

I think it’s nice to be unique and I’ll definitely try and replicate this when naming my own kids.

It’s the rude names you’ve got to watch out for, so after nine years as a lifestyle journalist I’ll definitely be avoiding those.

Meanwhile, many people also claimed that it sounds similar to a famous online network brand.

They said: “Sounds like LinkedIn.”

Link is the main character in the popular The Legend of Zelda video game series.

We shared how Nintendo will soon release a new entry in the series where you can play as a much-asked-for character.

For the first time in the mainline Legend of Zelda games you’ll be able to play as the titular princess.

In The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, Link becomes trapped and it is up to Princess Zelda to save him and the other inhabitants of Hyrule.

While Link uses a sword, Zelda will wield the Tri Rod which has the ability to copy items in the overworld.

These Echoes can be created wherever you want, meaning you can use this power to overcome environmental puzzles and explore dungeons.

There’s not long to wait until the next Zelda game is released. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom will launch on September 26, 2024 exclusively for Nintendo Switch.
If you want to read more about Nintendo’s upcoming lineup, check out everything that was announced in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct.

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