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I’m an interior designer – three design mistakes are ruining your patio, it’s making it an eyesore

WITH temperatures finally starting to climb, many of us want to get our gardens summer-ready.

And with warmer nights and weekends coming, we could tempted to spruce up the space to make our gardens look a little fresher.

Experts have warned we could be making key errors in our garden[/caption]
They also warned against making one key plant and flower mistake[/caption]

But before you grab some new bits for the patio, one interior designer has warned that most of us are actually decorating it all wrong.

We could be making three common mistakes that actually make it look like a bit of an eyesore rather than the lush, relaxing haven we’re really after.

But don’t worry, they experts have shared their top tips to help us avoid making these errors.

Zara O’Hare, an interior designer at Land of Rugs, has revealed that we could even be forking our fortunes while making these mistakes.

And following her suggestions could see you save money in the long run.

She said: “I often see folks splashing out on patio décor, only to fall foul of these common mistakes.”

Wrong furniture

Zara has revealed that one of the biggest errors people make is picking up the wrong furniture for their garden.

And if you have plastic or dark metal furniture then you might want to look away now…

Zara says the issue with plastic furniture is that it can be damaged quite easily and dark-coloured furniture absorbs sunlight.

She said: “Plastic table and chair sets can be awfully tempting on a tight budget, that much is true. But I’m afraid they’re not the most durable.

“They’re a bit more susceptible to the sun and can easily break if knocked on a windy day.

“You might save a pound or two upfront, but they could end up costing you more in the long run.

“Dark-coloured furniture, on the other hand, can become terribly uncomfortable on a sweltering summer’s day.

“They act like sun traps, absorbing all the heat and turning your once pleasant patio into a right roaster.

“Ideally, you’d want something durable and in a lighter shade that reflects the sunlight rather than absorbing it.”

Wrong plants

Plants are gorgeous additions to our garden – they add a spot of colour and liven up the space whilst also improving air quality and reducing allergens.

Some varieties even add a delightful fragrance, making our gardens smell amazing.

But the constant upkeep can become a little annoying and, because of that, some people might abandon them or buy fake plants instead.

But Zara warns that this could be making our patio space look depressing.

She said: “There’s nothing quite as depressing as a dead plant in the garden.

“The one mistake I see all too often is folks choosing the wrong plants.

“They either pick high-maintenance plants they haven’t the time for or go for plastic ones that make everything look a bit naff.

“Unless you’re a garden guru, try a ‘Honeysuckle’ or an ‘English Ivy’ before opting for the ones that require more serious care.

“And please, ditch the fake plants!”

How to repair broken patio slabs

THE paving specialists at Simply Paving told Fabulous how you can repair broken patio slabs, without the faff.

The experts advised: “If you have a loose paving slab, then it’s unlikely it can be lifted straight by hand. Instead, you will probably need a hammer and chisel to prise the paver free of your patio. 

“To remove loose paving slabs without damaging your flagstones, carefully chip away at the mortar around the paving slab with the plugging chisel and rubber mallet until the slab comes completely loose. 

“Then, slide the spade into the gap left by the mortar and prise the paver free of the patio.

“As you lift it up, place a short piece of timber underneath the spade to act as a lever, making it easier for you while protecting the slab underneath. 

“When the paver starts to give, place the cylindrical wood underneath it and roll the slab out of the patio.” 

Wrong colours

We all want some colour in our gardens with bright vibrant colours adding some personality to your space.

However, it’s easy to end up with an eyesore patio if you add too many different, clashing colours.

Zara says: “Too many colours that don’t go together can overwhelm the senses and make your space feel more chaotic.

“Imagine a mishmash of fiery orange cushions next to bright lime green furniture and a deep purple tablecloth.

“It’s not oozing relaxation, is it?

“A cohesive colour scheme is a must.

“Pick a bold colour for your main bits like furniture, then add splashes of contrasting or complementary colours for cushions and throws.”

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