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Warning to parents to keep your baby cool this summer, there is a vital thing to remember

AS TEMPERATURES start to rise again, parents will be looking at ways to ensure their baby is comfortable and safe.

However, as babies are unable to regulate their own body temperature very well it can prove a challenge.

Health visitor Claire Cripps has revealed her top tips for keeping babies cool in the heat[/caption]

But fear not Claire Cripps, health visitor and the expert advisor for MAM, has some top tips on how to keep your baby cool in the heat. 

Being Indoors

If you’re planning on being indoors, dress your baby in loose-fitting, lightweight clothing, preferably made from cotton, which absorbs perspiration much better than other materials. 

A good rule of thumb is to dress your baby the way you’re dressed. If you are wearing shorts and a T-shirt – that will be fine for your baby also. 

Babies don’t perspire effectively, so they can overheat far more quickly than an adult.

This is why you should never leave a baby in a hot room or a car. 


Even if you don’t see beads of sweat on your baby’s forehead, they can still be losing fluids in hot weather, so it’s important to always keep them hydrated. 

If your baby has a flushed face, skin which is warm, rapid breathing and is restless then they may be dehydrated. 

Keep younger babies hydrated by giving extra formula or breastfeeding more frequently. During warmer weather babies should drink at least 50% more than usual. 

Babies over 6 months should be offered sips of water from a cup during mealtimes. In hot weather, you may need to offer some additional water outside of mealtimes.

Stay Out Of Direct Sunlight & Avoid Midday

Babies under 6 months of age have thin, delicate skin so they should always be kept out of direct sunlight. 

However, there will of course be times when that is impractical so it will be important to ensure your baby is wearing sunscreen. 

For babies under 6 months of age apply a minimal amount to the exposed skin including the face. 

For a baby older than 6 months use more liberally and more often and reapply every 2 hours. 

Choose a waterproof sunscreen with a high SPF.

It is also necessary to avoid being in the sun during midday if it can be helped; the worst time to be outdoors is between the hours of 10am and 2pm as the sun is at its strongest.

Five ways to keep your kids cool in the heat

IT can be really difficult - and costly - to keep kids cool when it's hot outside. But Fabulous Digital Senior Reporter and mum-of-two Sarah Bull shares five ways to help, and they won't break the budget either.

Strip them off

It might sound simple, but stripping kids off at home can really help them regulate their temperature when it’s warm outside. Just remember to regularly apply suncream, as more of their skin will be exposed to the sun.

Cool down bedrooms before nighttime

When it’s hot outside, it can be difficult for kids to go to sleep – especially if their bedroom feels like an oven. If you have a room that’s not in direct sunshine, keep the windows open to let in a breeze. It’s also a good idea to keep the curtains closed, to prevent the room from heating up.

Wear a hat

Another simple technique, but one that really works. Make sure that if your kids are playing outside, they’ve got a hat on. It keeps their face and head shielded from the sun, and also helps if you’ve got a little one who struggles with bright sunlight. If your tot struggles to keep a hat on, try one with a strap that goes under the chin to help.

Avoid the car

The car can be one of the hottest places during a heatwave, and often takes a long time to cool down. If you have the option, it’s better to stay at home rather than taking kids out anywhere in a hot car.

Stay hydrated

This is always important, but even more so in a heatwave. Make sure you’re regularly reminding your kids to have a drink, and top them up with cool liquids whenever you can. Use ice too to ensure it’s as cold as it can possibly be.

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