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I’m a mum and I feed random lads my BREAST milk on nights out clubbing – they love it & even come back for seconds

A MUM has revealed that she loves going on nights out and feeding random men her breast milk.

Kitty Walls said that the men are massive fans of her breast milk, and often come back for more.

Kitty said she loves to feed random men her breast milk[/caption]
She said the men always come back for me[/caption]

Sharing a clip to TikTok the mum explained than when she has a baby free night, she pumps her breastmilk whilst in a nightclub.

“My favourite animal is me on a baby free night pumping at the bar and feeding my breast milk”, she said.

In the video, Kitty can be seen dressed in a cow costume, surrounded by a group of men.

She takes it in turn to pour her breast milk into the men’s mouth, as they laugh and dance around her.

One of the men clearly impressed with the milk’s flavour can be seen coming back for seconds, and drinks the milk straight from a shot glass.

“He told me he was breastfed until he was seven”, Kitty revealed.

The 29-year-old said that she has never had any negative reaction to her pumping her breast milk at the bar, expect a few strange glances from other customers.

She added that she gets free drinks from the men who she offers her milk too.

Referring to the men, she said: “I have so many sons, and they always come back for more”.

It is not recommended to drink the breast milk of someone you don’t know as the milk can transmit bacteria and viruses, including HIV.

It is also not recommended to drink alcohol whilst breastfeeding as exposure to the alcohol can be damaging to a baby’s growth and development.

Kitty’s video, which was posted under the username @kwalls21, has likely left many people open-mouthed, as it has racked up over 230,000 views on the video sharing platform.

TikTok users raced to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts.

One person said: “If only they knew it tastes like the milk at the bottom of a cereal bowl”.

What are the recommendations around breastfeeding?

The NHS recommends breastfeeding your baby exclusively (feeding them breast milk only) for the first six months, but it’s completely up to you to decide when you want to bring it to an end – and there’s really no right or wrong way to do it.

The NHS says weaning often happens gradually as your baby begins to eat more solid foods.

They note that solid food shouldn’t replace breast milk, as there is evidence to suggest breast milk helps a baby’s digestive system when processing solid food for the first time.

“Once they are eating solids, your baby will still need to have breast milk or formula as their main drink up to at least their first birthday,” recommends the NHS.

“Cows’ milk isn’t suitable as a main drink for babies under one, although it can be added to foods, such as mashed potatoes.”

You can also combine breastfeeding with formula, too and the NHS says “phasing out” of breastfeeding is often the easiest way.

For example, dropping one feed in the day or at night time.

After around a week, you can begin to think about dropping another.

“If your baby is younger than one year, you’ll need to replace the dropped breastfeed with a formula feed from a bottle or (if they are over six months) a cup or beaker, instead,” they say.

You can breastfeed for as long as you want, and while the NHS recommends breastfeeding your baby exclusively for the first six months, you shouldn’t feel like you cannot continue for longer.

The World Health Organization says: “Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.”

A second person said: “I love a man with mummy issues”.

A third person added: “This would have been me if I had kids in my 20s”.

A fourth chimed in: “This is so unhinged and I’m here for it”.

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