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I’m from a council estate but now a millionaire -trolls hate me spoiling my kids with £230k cars, they’re lazy & jealous

A COUPLE who were both brought up on council estates but are now millionaires have said that they are not ashamed of spoiling their kids and that “lazy parents” are just jealous of them.

Barrie and Scott Drewitt-Barlow are parents to Valentia, 3 and Romeo 2.

Dan Charity
Barrie and Scott love to spoil their kids[/caption]
The Sun
The multi-millionaire recently gifted his daughter a £230k Mercedes[/caption]
Barrie said that any parent would spoil their kids if they could[/caption]

Businessman Barrie also has six more children from his previous marriage – Colin 35, twins Aspen and Saffron 25, Orlando 20 and Jasper and Dallas 15.

Back in 1999 Barrie and his ex Tony shot to fame after becoming the first same-sex couple to have babies via surrogacy.

The duo then racked up an impressive £200 million from various business ventures including a trans-Atlantic surrogacy business, so have been able to spoil their children rotten from day one.

In a recent video posted to Truly, Barrie and Scott shared an insight into their new mansion in the Essex countryside, which they have spent £9 million turning into their dream home, complete with an aquarium, stables and a swimming pool.

Barrie said: “We like to share what we have got with other people.

“We are so used to it now and our kids are used to it.

“I grew up on a council estate and so did Scott so every day we are like ‘holy c**p’ this is our house.”

He continued: “When you grow up on a council estate you just want to get out of it, so that’s what we did.

“I am a great believer in you get out of things what you put into them. Work hard, you earn a lot of money – what can I say.”

Barrie said that he loves his kids, and added that he thinks anyone would spoil their kids if they could afford it.

Scott added: “Anyone that comes your way and say: ‘oh you’re just spoiling them’, they would do exactly the same it’s just they didn’t get off their a*** and actually do anything about their life… it’s just pure jealousy.”

Recently the couple gifted Aspen and his wife Pim a car each as a wedding present.

Pim was delighted with her Rolls Royce, however, Aspen complained that his Audi was “a bit small.”

“I’d think the Rolls Royce is better”, he said.

Who are Tony and Barrie Drewitt-Barlow?

BARRIE Drewitt-Barlow and ex-husband Tony were Britain's first gay dads, fathering a twin boy and girl through surrogacy.

The couple met in 1987 when Tony stopped at a petrol station in Manchester to ask for directions.

At the time, Tony had won the runner up prize in the the New Scientist of the year award.

The pair went to court to be allowed to have same-sex parents on the birth certificates as “parent one” and “parent two” instead of “mother and father”. It was a historic case for the LGBTQ community.

Saffron and Aspen were conceived using the donor eggs of one woman, Tracie McCune, and were then carried in the womb of another woman, Rosalind Bellany.

Although Barrie and Tony each fathered a child, they have never revealed which dad is the biological father of which twin as they want to be equal parents.

They have made their money from various business ventures including a trans-Atlantic surrogacy business and a global medical research company. They also earn cash from real estate.

The couple split in 2019, after Barrie confirmed he had fallen for daughter Saffron’s ex Scott.

Aspen’s twin sister Saffron also recently turned her nose up at a £10,00 Mercedes her father bought for her.

“The minute she saw it she hated it”, Barrie said on Channel 5‘s Rich House Poor House.

“I literally don’t know what more we can do to make the girl happy”.

Barrie then bought Saffron, who previously got £5000 pocket money a month, a £230,000 Mercedes instead.

Defending his decision to splash the cash on his kids, Barrie told Truly: “If I want to spend money on my kids, Christ I’m going to do it”.

“At the end of the day, if you can afford to buy your kids something, you’re going to do it”.

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Barrie’s daughter Saffron recently turned her nose up at a Mercedes

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