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I’m judged when going on planes for being plus-size but I can get a free seat – I deserve to be comfy like everyone else

A WOMAN has shared how she makes the experience of travelling more comfortable as a plus-size person – including an unexpected perk: being able to nab an extra seat for free on flights.

Victoria Voos, 33, is well-known on Instagram for sharing her struggles, navigating travelling in a larger body, as well as tips to make things easier, with her near-50,000 followers.

Jam Press/@flyforaginger
Victoria said she said asks for accommodations regularly[/caption]
Jam Press/@flyforaginger
She said there are perks such as a free seat on planes if you’re plus-size[/caption]
Jam Press Vid/@flyforaginger
She hopes to inspire other plus-size people to overcome their anxieties and travel[/caption]

In a recent post, she lifted the lid on the ways she makes the experience of visiting new places work for her – and tips on how other plus-size people can enjoy it too.

“Travelling to and from destinations can be uncomfortable, especially when flying,” the social media and marketing manager from San Diego, California said.

“I can’t do anything about people judging me, but I can do something about being as comfortable as possible.

“An example is making sure a restaurant has chairs without armrests, which is something I can usually check ahead of time.

“Sometimes, I do have to ask for accommodations, and if those aren’t available, I just find something else.

“In a way, it comes down to a level of confidence with self-advocacy, which can take some practice.

“I think everyone deserves to sit comfortably, and what’s the harm in asking for a different chair if you need it?”

Victoria – who usually travels with her husband, Corey, whom she shares two cats with – recommends having a companion who you feel comfortable with.

She added: “I’d suggest going with a buddy who has a similar idea of comfort and accommodation preferences.

“Also, if you are unable to fly with Southwest’s customer-of-size policy, your friend might be willing to split a third set with you for your comfort.

“I think this is a great solution for keeping costs down while maximising comfort, especially on international flights.”

However, she shared that some airlines have a ‘customer of size policy’ which comes with a big perk.

She said: “When you travel with Southwest as a ‘customer of size’ you get an extra seat for free for your comfort and safety.

“Not to mention the comfort and safety of the person who would have been sitting next to you.

“It’s a win-win!”

Southwest Airlines is a US-based airline that flies domestically within the country, as well as to some international countries such as Cuba, Jamaica, and the Bahamas.

The airlines’ policy for ‘customers of size’ involves purchasing additional seats they may need to have a comfortable flight.

On the policy’s page they say: The purchase of additional seats allows us to adequately plan for the number of occupied seats onboard.

“It also helps us ensure we can accommodate all Customers on the flight for which they purchased a ticket and avoid asking Customers to relinquish their seats for an unplanned accommodation.

“Most importantly, it ensures that all Customers onboard have access to safe and comfortable seating.”

Much of Victoria’s knowledge comes from testing things out herself and finding what works.

She said: “I really love a good bathtub experience, but it can be difficult to find tubs that I fit in.

“I have found that when I travel to Las Vegas and get a room with a tub I am almost always able to fit which brings me so much joy!”

The 5 Best Body Positive Influencers To Follow

  1. @_nelly_london – Nelly has been on a journey with breast corrective surgery and has also shared her experience with eating disorders, her honesty and openness makes her a great follow.
  2. @lottiedryna – She regularly shares content on living with IBS and finds bloat-friendly outfits to share with her followers.
  3. @stephanieyeboah –  Stephanie Yeboah’s body positive content has the most incredible message – everyone is worthy of being loved, plus she has the best fashion inspo going.
  4. @isabelladavis6 – Bella’s content spans more than just body image and is ideal for women wanting a community of women supporting women.
  5. @jessontheplussize – She advocates for women wearing what they want no matter their body shape.

She also believes her travelling experiences have influenced her perspective on body positivity and self-acceptance.

Victoria said: “It has shown me how limiting we can allow our world to be if we give into the fear or negative self-talk about existing in a larger body.

“It’s also my hope that I can help other travellers learn how to make the most out of their time travelling.

“Even if that just means seeing my recommendations for a neck fan or how to ask for an extended seatbelt on an aeroplane.

“It can be tough to put yourself out there and share about existing in a larger body, especially since there are so many people that like to tear others down.”

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