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Can I be fired if I call in sick after the England v Spain Euro 2024 final on Sunday?

BRITS will be forced to clock into work on Monday morning, just hours after England plays in the Euro 2024 final.

The highly-anticipated final will either be a cause for celebration or consolation late into Sunday night for fans.

Fans could get caught up in the excitement on Sunday and suffer the consequences on Monday morning

With millions expected to tune in for the match, many will likely wake up with hangovers and might consider calling in sick.

But what are the consequences if you do the same?

The game kicks off at 8pm, and a large number of people will be watching from pubs, enjoying a few drinks.

Employers have been encouraged to allow staff to start work later on Monday to give them some recovery time after England‘s final showdown with Spain.

In the past, some schools have also permitted students to arrive late the next day after significant events like this.

But can you be dismissed for calling in sick on Monday?

Here’s what you need to know.

Will I be fired if I call in sick on Monday?

Following previous games, many hungover fans have sought reasons to skip work.

Some even claimed to be ill with the “England Germany Covid variant” after the quarter-finals in the Euros 2020.

However, your boss might be sceptical if you call in sick right after such a major event, especially if many others do the same.

If your employer discovers that you lied, you could face severe consequences, including potential dismissal, depending on the situation.

A representative from workplace lawyers, Doyle Clayton, said: “Employees who falsely claim to be sick on Monday to celebrate can be guilty of misconduct. Their manager might also lose trust in them, and the employer could take disciplinary action, including possible dismissal.”

The law firm suggests that booking a day’s holiday is a safer option to avoid jeopardizing your job.

What are my rights on sick days?

However, if you are genuinely ill on Monday, you should be entitled to take the day off.

Typically, you need to inform your employer as early as possible that you are unable to work.

Your employer might ask for medical evidence upon your return to confirm your illness.

If you are genuinely sick, you may qualify for statutory sick pay (SSP).

Eligible employees receive £116.75 per week for up to 28 weeks, provided they earn an average of at least £123 per week and have been sick for at least four consecutive days, including non-working days.

Sick pay is a right included in employee contracts, along with other entitlements such as maternity or paternity leave, rest breaks, and time off.

However, if you are self-employed or a contract worker, different rules apply.

You can find more information about SSP and how to claim it by visiting www.gov.uk/statutory-sick-pay/how-to-claim.

Can I ask to take the day off?

You can certainly ask for Monday off after the match, but approval is not guaranteed until your employer confirms it.

The statutory notice period for taking leave is at least twice the length of the leave desired, plus one day.

For instance, to take Monday off, you would need to give three days’ notice.

This means your last opportunity to request Monday off is by the end of today.

Even then, your employer might still decline your request.

Remember that your employer might have specific rules about annual leave, including requiring a longer notice period or limiting the number of team members who can be off simultaneously.

However, some employers might be more flexible and allow time off with shorter notice.

Most full-time workers are entitled to 28 days of paid annual leave each year, but employers are not obligated to accept holiday requests and might be less likely to approve last-minute ones.


THE Euro 2024 final will take place on Sunday, July 14.

Kick-off will be at 8pm BST and The Olympiastadion in Berlin will host.

The Euro 2024 final will be broadcast live on both BBC One and ITV1.

All of the games at the European Championships have been aired on either BBC or ITV during the tournament.

You will be able to live stream the final for FREE on either BBC iPlayer or ITVX.

Alternatively, you can keep up to date with all the action by following SunSport’s live blog.

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