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Center Parcs village reveals two new attractions set to open as resort celebrate 30th anniversary

ONE of the UK’s Center Parcs resorts is to open two new attractions in celebration of its 30th anniversary.

Center Parcs Longleat first opened in 1994, and was the third to open.

Center Parcs Longleat is celebrating it’s 30th anniversary[/caption]
The park opened in 1994, and has two new attractions to celebrate[/caption]

This followed the success of Sherwood Forest village in Nottinghamshire in 1987, the first to open, and Elveden Forest in 1989.

Not only has the Longleat resort been open for 30 years, but it is set to welcome it’s 10millionth guest this year.

And to celebrate, the park is opening two new attractions.

A new Adventure Golf course will open in the autumn, between Sports Plaza and the lake.

The course will have nine holes across the nature themed courses Forest Track and Woodland Way.

There will also be a new extended Leisure Bowl facility, opening in the autumn as well.

Other improvements to the park include a new waterfront kiosk.

Sarah Deverill, Village Director at Longleat Forest, said: “Our beautiful village is consistently changing from the incapsulating forest environment we get to work in every day, to the significant financial investment into our village.

“For example, this year includes a refurbishment to our guest services area, a new Adventure Golf course, as well as an extended brand-new Leisure Bowl facility which will also be open in the autumn.

“It’s been fantastic to see colleagues grow and develop with the business over the years, there are so many success stories to celebrate, and I am so proud of the team and all we have achieved – Happy 30th Birthday Longleat Forest!”

Center Parcs first opened in the UK in 1987.

It has since expanded across the country with the following six parks:

  • 1987 – Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire
  • 1989 – Elveden Forest, Suffolk
  • 1994 – Longleat Forest, Wiltshire
  • 1997 – Whinfell Forest, Cumbria (the largest of the parks)
  • 2014 – Woburn Forest, Bedfordshire

In 2019, Longford Forest also opened in Ireland.

Plans for a sixth holiday park in the UK are ongoing, with original plans to open one in Crawley.

This was scrapped last year although the parks said the search for a location was still ongoing.

Center Parcs CEO Colin McKinlay said at the time: “Through our customer insights, we are confident that there is strong demand in the UK market for a sixth Center Parcs village and, with this in mind, we will continue our search for a suitable site.”

There are also a number of Center Parcs in Europe, which are often seen as a more affordable option for Brits.

This includes Center Parcs De Vossemeren in Belgium, while mum Catherine Lofthouse tried out Center Parcs Zandvoort in the Netherlands – here’s her verdict.

What is a Center Parcs holiday like?

Mum Jane Atkinson recently visited the Center Parcs in Sherwood Forest – here’s what she thought.

“When we weren’t strolling the grounds or cooking a lodge-side feast, many days were spent by the swimming pool or.

“Center Parcs calls it the “subtropical swimming paradise”, covered by a clear dome that is heated to a balmy 29C year round and filled with plants and trees.

“It certainly did feel tropical and, most importantly, it was included in the price — all day, every day from 10am to 9pm.

“The fun didn’t end there either as, the following day, the kids were booked into a three-hour “Wizard Academy” to make crafts, cast spells and play magical games.

“Aside from this, there is so much else for kids and adults to get stuck into, such as games of squash, falconry classes, bike or pedalo hire and paddleboarding.

“The spa, on the other hand, was my highlight. Now I wouldn’t rule out becoming one of those families who returns every year to Center Parcs.”

And the first Center Parcs in Denmark is to open next year.

If you want to save money, here’s how you could save hundreds on your next Center Parcs trip.

Photographs © Center Parcs
There are five Center Parcs villages in the UK[/caption]

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