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‘Crossbow killer’s’ ex-girlfriend Louise Hunt sent haunting final message before ‘murder’ just days after pair broke up

THE ex-girlfriend of a suspected crossbow killer sent a haunting final message before he allegedly murdered her days after they broke up.

Louise Hunt, 25, was found dead alongside her mum Carol Hunt, 61, and her sister Hannah, 28, at their home in Bushey, Hertfordshire on Tuesday night.

Louise Hunt was killed alongside her mum Carol and sister Hannah
The 25-year-old with triple murder suspect Kyle Clifford
zenxv / X
Suspected crossbow killer Clifford was stretchered away by cops after a manhunt

The three women were the family of BBC racing commentator John Hunt, the broadcaster confirmed.

Cops launched a major manhunt for triple murder suspect Kyle Clifford, 26, who was said to be carrying a large crossbow.

Armed officers and a sniffer dog tracked Clifford to a cemetery yards from his Enfield home yesterday afternoon.

Footage appears to show Clifford being stretchered out of the cemetery by emergency services as the manhunt came to an end.

Just days before the horror, Louise shared a tweet praising “women who leave”.

The July 3 tweet read: “I admire women who leave. Idgaf if you left after the 1st time or the 12th time I admire that s***!

“Idgaf if ppl was calling you dümb for 11 years but in the 12th year you decided you was done.

“It takes ALOT of strength to break a tie. it takes ALOT of self love to choose yo self.”

Locals said that Louise had suffered a car accident last week after going through a “messy” break-up with Clifford.

Neighbour Glyn Thomas told the Mail: “She drove into a wooden telegraph pole not far from the house.

“Louise was a very nice girl. She’d had a traumatic boyfriend bust up the week before last.”

Cops said triple murder suspect Clifford is now being treated for injuries, adding that no shots were fired by officers.

Hertfordshire Police confirmed that Clifford is believed to have been known to the victims.

Detective Inspector Justine Jenkins said: “This continues to be an incredibly difficult time for the victims’ family.

“We would ask that their privacy is respected as they come to terms with what has happened.

“This investigation is moving at pace and formal identification of the victims is yet to take place.

“The premature naming of potential victims has caused great upset to the family.

“They should have been given the space to come to terms with their sudden loss.

“Following extensive enquiries, the suspect has been located and nobody else is being sought in connection with the investigation at this time.

“We have had an overwhelming number of calls and would like to express our gratitude to the members of the public who have contacted us.

“We would still appeal for anyone with information or footage to please contact police directly.

“Refrain from commenting on social media as this could affect the progress of the case.

“We have set up an information portal where people can submit any information, photos or video footage which they feel could assist us with our investigation.”

DI Jenkins added: “This incident will of course be of concern to local residents.

“Additional local officers will be in the area today so please do speak to them if you need to.”

Louise shared this tweet just days before the horror[/caption]
Her sister Hannah was also killed at their Bushey home[/caption]
Louise and Hannah’s father John Hunt with their mum Carol, who was the third victim[/caption]
Cops launched a manhunt for Clifford, who has now been taken to hospital[/caption]
Armed officers traced the suspect to a cemetery in Enfield, north London[/caption]
Forensic officers at the Hunts’ family home in Bushey yesterday[/caption]

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